easy touch

  1. O

    Quantifying the testosterone dosage within the syringe

    I am currently using Easy Touch insulin syringes to administer my testosterone, whereas I used to use BD syringes before. BD syringes featured a very thin rubber marker that aligned precisely with the measurements on the syringe. On the other hand, Easy Touch syringes have a thicker rubber...
  2. T

    When did the Easytouch store start charging shipping???

    When did the Easytouch store start charging shipping? Is there another place to buy for a cheap price that doesn't charge shipping? Amazon doesn't sell to my state. I use easy touch 27guage, 1/2 inch, .5 cc
  3. J

    Needle 30 G 1 inch?

    I am going to switch from once per week injection using 25 G 1 inch needle to twice per week. I am looking at the 30G 1inch needle by Easy Touch. I was surprised to find a 30G 1 inch long. Has anyone had any experience using this needle?