
  1. D

    Anyone using Dapoxetine (aka Duralast)

    I experimented a while back to just see about increasing endurance a bit...I don't have PE but just experimenting just for fun if you know what I mean lol. Anyway, I tried 1 30mg pill 1 hr prior...zero effect. Then I tried 2 pills, gave me diarrhea and very little other stamina effects :( I...
  2. Nelson Vergel

    Paroxetine vs Dapoxetine in the treatment of premature ejaculation

    Abstract: MP48-18 Abdulmuttalip Simsek*, omer sarilar, sinan kirecci, onur kucuktopcu, faruk ozgor, fatih akbulut, erkan sonmezay, yalcýn berberoglu, gokhan gurbuz, istanbul, Turkey American Urology Association Conf- May 2014, Orlando Introduction and Objectives Dapoxetine is a novel SSRI...