
  1. keithc2485

    Brands of Testosterone cyp.. Wilshire pharma? ever use it ?

    hey guys.. so I seem to have noticed a shortage of Testosterone Cyp. i even googled it and it confirmed a shortage and big back order in major brands.. I am allergic to Perrigo (the one everyone freakin has) and have been doing awesome with WestWard (HIKMA) pharma ..... CVS has had it for the...
  2. S

    Lately I Can Only Get 1ml Baby Vials. WTF?

    I usually always get the large vial for Test C at Walgreens. For my last 2 refills they are telling me those are on backorder and all I can get are the baby 1ml vials. So damn annoying trying to fill a syringe with that micro-vial. Am I the only one having this problem? Also, the larger vials...