
  1. B

    Evening dosing of blood pressure medication not better than morning dosing.

    Evening dosing of blood pressure medication not better than morning dosing Barcelona, Spain – 26 Aug 2022: A pragmatic randomised trial in more than 21,000...
  2. T

    Fish oil and heart health with high heart scan (CAC) score of 850

    Is prescription fish oil containing EPA/DHA really that bad? I had a heart scan (CAC) and came back high at 850. Doc wants me on Lisinopril and Atorvastatin my latest blood work shows Total Cholesterol 213, Triglycerides 98, LDL 157, HDL 35, glucose 90. I weigh 184 lbs. 5'10 at 57 years old. My...
  3. D

    Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can increase men's risk of stroke and heart attack (July 18, 2019)

    Edit: The URL lost its way. (god i wish forum software would standardize on one set of editing standards :( ) Post script: My doc's attitude seems to be that nobody needs HRT exdept in very unusual or extreme cases, I assume, because she is very reluctant to even discuss the issue. Here it...
  4. L

    AI side effects?

    I had a question regarding the side effects of AI’a and can’t seem to find a consistent consensus regarding side effects. I am aware that there can be side effects from the usage of AIs, from my understanding the sides are from crashing estradiol to an unhealthy level. Most of the negatives...
  5. Nelson Vergel

    Dr Lynese Lawson: Beyond Testosterone Lecture

    PART 1 Nelson: Hello everybody, Nelson Vergel here with I'm very happy to have Dr. Lawson from the Washington DC area. She's a long term friend of Excel Male and the work we do with men's health and testosterone replacement therapy, among other things. Dr. Lawson is the founder...
  6. R

    Latest Anti-TRT hype before study results are even released

    Touted as the "latest in the medical saga that started 15 years ago when testosterone which for decades had been used mainly in rare clinical circumstances, increasingly is prescribed for middle-aged and older men whose testosterone levels decline" MedPageToday "reports"...
  7. Nelson Vergel

    Endocrinologist Group Questions Link Between Testosterone and Cardiovascular Risks

    The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) is speaking out on the use of testosterone therapy and whether it is unfairly being categorized as contributing to an increased risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD). On Sept. 22, 2015, AACE, in conjunction with the American College...
  8. Nelson Vergel

    Does Testosterone Increase the Chance for a Heart Attack?

    "Many healthcare providers hesitate to initiate men on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) due to the belief that these treatments increase the risk of cardiovascular (CV) events. However, the data supporting this belief are conflicting. A systematic review and meta-analysis of 30 randomized...
  9. Nelson Vergel

    Testosterone Replacement Helps Men with Diabetes Improve Heart Health and Weight

    Obes Res Clin Pract. 2014 Jul-Aug;8(4):e339-49. doi: 10.1016/j.orcp.2013.10.005. Epub 2013 Nov 5. Hypogonadal obese men with and without diabetes mellitus type 2 lose weight and show improvement in cardiovascular risk factors when treated with testosterone: An observational study. Haider A et...
  10. Nelson Vergel

    Another Study Review Debunks Two Prior Flawed Papers That Linked Testosterone and Heart Attacks

    Can Urol Assoc J. 2014 May-Jun; 8(5-6): E356–E357. Published online May 21, 2014. doi: 10.5489/cuaj.1962 PMCID: PMC4039601 A critical analysis of testosterone supplementation therapy and cardiovascular risk in elderly men Jason Scovell, BBA,* Ranjith Ramasamy, MD,* and Jason R. Kovac...
  11. Nelson Vergel

    Another clinical review found no negative effect of testosterone on the heart

    A new analysis countered recent studies inking the use of testosterone therapy with increased risks of myocardial infarction (MI) and stroke. Among roughly 20,000 patients treated with testosterone over a 6-year period, the rate of new MIs was 30 per 100,000 and the rate of new strokes was 10...
  12. Nelson Vergel Debunks Misleading Testosterone Study

    A restrospective study published this week on the Journal of American Medical Association concluded that testosterone may increase the risk of cardiovascular problems in men with a history of heart disease. This study performed at the Venteran's Administration hospital sysmtem cautioned that men...
  13. Nelson Vergel Debunks Misleading Study That Linked TRT to Heart Attacks

    A restrospective study published this week on the Journal of American Medical Association concluded that testosterone may increase the risk of cardiovascular problems in men with a history of heart disease. This study performed at the Venteran's Administration hospital sysmtem cautioned that men...
  14. Excel Male

    Why Do I Feel So Tired on Testosterone ?

    Taken from the book: Testosterone: A Man’s Guide by Nelson Vergel If no improvements in fatigue are observed after 6 weeks of testosterone replacement, factors beyond hypogonadism may be present. Thyroid and adrenal function should be checked to ensure that those two glands are working...