Hey guys,
I’m a 30-year-old male who was on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for eight years. I’ve been completely off T for four months now and have been taking Clomid 25 mg daily and HCG 1,500 IU every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Recently, I’ve just increased my HCG dosage to 2,000...
I was azoospermic after a year on pellets, no HCG. I have a better physician now and doing great on IM Test Cyp and HCG. Testicle size full recovered. Anyone know if I must stop TRT completely to restart spermatogenesis or can HCG be enough while continuing TRT? The idea of stopping is dreadful.
Background: Husband was DXed with low-T in January. Total T was sitting at 160; free T 12. He'd been suffering from a complete lack of libido and ED for about 18-20 months. His LH and FSH were both WNL sitting in the mid-range (6.3 and 6). We had a baby naturally 2.5 years ago.
We are trying to...
I hope I'm posting this in the correct place, as I'm a new member and not a typical use as my husband is not into lifting. Still hoping i can find some help here because we've had a rough few months in regards to TRT and fertility. We are desperate for answers as my husband badly wants another...
"The primary cause of infertility was defined for 695 of 1737 patients (~40%).
The analyzed causal factors could be divided into absolute (secondary hypogonadism, genetic causes, seminal tract obstruction), severe (oncological diseases, severe sexual dysfunction) and plausible causal factors...
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