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  1. Nelson Vergel

    ED Drugs Troches and Capsules- Recommendations

    Compounded PDE-5 Inhibitor Compounded Formulations (Empower Pharmacy) by Dosage Form: I. Buccal Troche Definition: Troches are small lozenges that dissolve between the cheek and gum over a period of about 10-20 minutes. As the troche dissolves, the medication is gradually absorbed...
  2. Nelson Vergel

    Stendra: Auxilium Gets The Rights for New ED pill

    Stendra (Avanafil) is a PDE5 inhibitor approved for erectile dysfunction by FDA on April 27, 2012 and by EMA (Europe) on June 21, 2013. Avanafil is known by the trademark names Stendra and Spedra and was developed by Vivus Inc. Auxilium (makers of the testosterone gel Testim) just gained rights...
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