
  1. A

    Can atherogenic indices and the triglyceride-glucose index be used to predict erectile dysfunction?

    Can atherogenic indices and the triglyceride-glucose index be used to predict erectile dysfunction? Murat Sambel 1, Abdullah Erdogan 2, Volkan Caglayan 2, Sinan Avci 2, Sahin Kilic 1, Halil Emre Yildiz 3, Ercument Keskin 4 Affiliations expand PMID: 38250336 PMCID: PMC10799712 DOI...
  2. T

    Hard Cardio while on AAS? Ally/Enemy/Indifferent?

    There quite a bit of discussion online about how intense cardio should be while on AAS or even high levels of TT/fT. This thread is intended to discuss HIIT/intense cardio while using AAS. Net benefit or detriment to your cardiovascular system? Given the considerable literature hinting that...
  3. Nelson Vergel

    Testosterone to estradiol ratio reflects inflammation and predicts future cardiovascular events in men

    Testosterone to oestradiol ratio reflects systemic and plaque inflammation and predicts future cardiovascular events in men with severe atherosclerosis Cardiovascular Research, cvy188, Testosterone to oestradiol ratio reflects systemic and plaque inflammation and predicts future cardiovascular...