angiotensin-receptor blockers

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  1. B

    Evening dosing of blood pressure medication not better than morning dosing.

    Evening dosing of blood pressure medication not better than morning dosing Barcelona, Spain – 26 Aug 2022: A pragmatic randomised trial in more than 21,000...
  2. B

    Chronic high-dose angiotensin receptor blocker use associated with cancer risk (2022) “It already changed my practice,” Sipahi told Healio. “I rarely prescribe an ARB for hypertension now. However, I continue to prescribe the sacubitril/valsartan...
  3. madman

    Is azilsartan more efficacious in lowering blood pressure than the older ones?

    Abstract Angiotensin-receptor blockers are often considered insufficiently efficacious in reducing blood pressure. However, newer angiotensin-receptor blockers may be more effective than the older ones. A network meta-analysis was performed to compare the efficacy of various...
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