
  1. B

    Random thoughts/questions regarding Test and AAS...

    Like many of my brothers on this forum I/we have been struggling to get dialed in on TRT..... and the thought process has usual been to try to replicate the normal levels/diurnal rhythm of the body to maintain peak homeostasis, however, even with seemingly normal Total/Free T, E levels, etc.. we...
  2. T

    Great articles and discussion on terminology ("anabolic steroids" don't really exist)

    https://forums.t-nation.com/t/what-is-trt-and-what-is-not-trt/269828/807 https://forums.t-nation.com/t/what-is-trt-and-what-is-not-trt/269828/811 https://forums.t-nation.com/t/what-is-trt-and-what-is-not-trt/269828/777 No such thing as anabolic steroids or AAS. Technically correct term is...
  3. T

    Hard Cardio while on AAS? Ally/Enemy/Indifferent?

    There quite a bit of discussion online about how intense cardio should be while on AAS or even high levels of TT/fT. This thread is intended to discuss HIIT/intense cardio while using AAS. Net benefit or detriment to your cardiovascular system? Given the considerable literature hinting that...
  4. M

    Planning a PCT

    I plan on running a very low dose(moderate) cycle. I am 21 yo. It is not TRT, I am to reach supraphysiological levels. - 300mg test cyp - small dose of oxandrolone/winstrol (not stacking orals at the same time). My thought was to limit the drugs required for PCT. I do not plan on using clomid...
  5. D

    HIV bodybuilder about to start his first cycle

    Hello, I am a 30 y.o. male who was recently diagnosed with HIV a few months ago. As a dedicated lifter, I'm concerned about the effects HIV might have on my physique. I was put on treatment right away and my viral load is now undetectable with CD4 being in the 900 range. I have been lifting...
  6. maxadvance

    Well, this can't be good, high dose aas >>>Dementia

    Supraphysiologic-dose anabolic-androgenic steroid use: a risk factor for dementia? Kaufman MJ1, Kanayama G2, Hudson JI2, Pope HG2. Author information Abstract Supraphysiologic-dose anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) use is associated with physiologic, cognitive, and brain abnormalities similar...
  7. deejal01

    Oxandrolone, Ipamorelin, Clomid, Anastrozole, hcg

    Hello! I decided to post in this forum instead of peptides because the main focus is Oxandrolone. 45 years years old, did biohormone replacement testosterone pellets one year ago. After speaking with a doctor about my goals, he suggested Oxandrolone, Ipamorelin, Clomid, Anastrozole and HCG...