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  1. P

    Ran out of T before end of month

    Hi, 3 weeks ago I started T cyp injections 50mg twice a week. Since I live in NY, testosterone is a controlled substance and the pharmacy couldn't give me more than a month's supply. This morning was the first injection of the 4th week, and I didn't get my full dose (.15 ml instead of .25 ml)...
  2. P

    Testosterone leaking from injection site

    Hi, I just started T injections last night. I used Nelson's HCG/T protocol without the HCG: 50 mg at 90 degrees in the shoulder with an insulin syringe. The only difference is that although I asked for and my doctor prescribed 27 gauge, 1/2-inch syringes, the pharmacy gave me 26 gauge, 3/8-inch...
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