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  1. N

    PSA while using test and other anabolics

    Quick update here. Had a recent PSA test now that the other anabolics should be cleared from my system and it is in fact trending down. Was 1.6 at its peak and now at 1.3. I suspect it will continue to fall as I remain on a purely TRT dose of 120mg/week. Seems that high doses of other...
  2. N

    PSA while using test and other anabolics

    If my insurance covers it definitely. May be premature as I’ve only been tracking my PSA for a year now while using high doses of anabolics. I Want to get a few data points to see what my PSA is without T levels >1500 and other anabolics in my system. Will bring it up at my next routine...
  3. N

    PSA while using test and other anabolics

    Wow this is some solid new information to me. Thanks man.
  4. N

    PSA while using test and other anabolics

    Thank you so much for your reply. At this point I’ve stopped all use of other anabolics and lowered my TRT dose to 80mg/ week. Would you say this is call the urologist now and get a biopsy- level concerning, or stop using anabolics (apart from low dose TRT) and continue to follow PSA- level...
  5. N

    PSA while using test and other anabolics

    Thanks for sharing your experience and thank God you are doing well now man. I’ve always been spooked about prostate cancer since it runs on my Mom’s side of the family. Multiple 2nd degree relatives have had it (all in late 50’s - early 60’s). I’m only 37 but this year I’ve started getting...
  6. N

    PSA while using test and other anabolics

    Good idea. My urologist said my prostate feels small and normal. I think excessive androgen usage is probably to blame for pushing me from 1.2 - 1.6 and the finasteride was only blocking DHT from test but not the other compounds. Will push for MRI incase PSA it doesn’t go down now that I’m no...
  7. N

    PSA while using test and other anabolics

    I guess now it will be good to see how my PSA settles now that I’ve left behind the competitive bodybuilding lifestyle and high dose androgens. Even during “cruise” I was taking my prescribed 200mg per week which always had my test levels >1500. Now I want to just be in the 800-900 range...
  8. N

    PSA while using test and other anabolics

    Not sure about high PSA but I have two relatives that I know of on one side of my family who got PCa in their late 50’s. I am Black so I know that the risk is higher for me and also have read that Black men tend to have higher PSAs (not sure how true that is).
  9. N

    PSA while using test and other anabolics

    Yes, I have heard of PFS but fortunately never experienced any negative side effects from taking it for 1 year. I am okay with losing my hair now so decided to drop it.
  10. N

    PSA while using test and other anabolics

    Hello! I’m a 37 y/o on TRT and also compete in bodybuilding. As such, and especially around contests, I do a bit more than just TRT including adding other compounds. Have always been very on top of bloodwork. I have been watching my PSA (I have an uncle and grandpa who had PCa) so I’ve...
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