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  1. S

    Pre-Defy consult lab work

    Interesting thread…. How can one increase SHBG when it is too low?
  2. S

    Pre-Defy consult lab work

    In terms of my situation then, my takeaway from your words is “less injected test is desirable”. I realize thats a very broad statement, and there are other factors in play that im ignorant of. For context, a once weekly IM inj of 100mg test cyp was known to consistently produce a total t of...
  3. S

    Pre-Defy consult lab work

    Yes, i understand and thank you for the link. I ran across it earlier this month. I will discuss that method with defy.
  4. S

    Pre-Defy consult lab work

    It was interesting to note that during january, the hair i rapidly lost on my lower legs and top of head suddenly started coming back….slow, but definitely noticable. I recall reading that testosterone and dht are the main things involved with that. Illhave to ask about that. what? No more...
  5. S

    Pre-Defy consult lab work

    Am appreciating the participation on this thread. systemlord, your observation on the iron issue and your experience with that prob was helpful. i can read some of the excellent articles here and understand that “lab a” has this effect and “lab b” has that effect….where im struggling is...
  6. S

    Pre-Defy consult lab work

    In terms of NOT rapidly raising hematocrit by imcreasing iron ”dealt with” meaning h&h lowered to 49 and 17.1, respectively, and the rest is for Defy……i did not mean to imply the situation had been corrected
  7. S

    Pre-Defy consult lab work

    I cqnt dispute your assertion. Im making a conclusion (or assumption) based on allegedly known common high estrogen symptoms. The anastrazole prescribed substantially improved my mood, but i suspended that also pending Defy consult.
  8. S

    Pre-Defy consult lab work

    I suspended TRT pending the consult. recent updated cbc shows hematocrit at 49 and hemoglobin at 17.1 imdont know what my current iron levels are, and i havent been taking any supplements for it. Ill be drawing a iron panel and ferritin later this week.
  9. S

    Pre-Defy consult lab work

    is it correct to say that due to very low SHBG, most of injected test dpesnt get bound up and just hangs loose?
  10. S

    Pre-Defy consult lab work

    These labs are from 02/06/23, taken five days after injecting a weekly dose of 200mg test enanthate IM. I understand the dose is too high, and no need to discuss that. I temporarily stopped TRT after that injection, pending the Defy consult. Too many things out of control symptom-wise. Too...
  11. S

    Iron supplement dosage?

    Theres some conflicting info on this forum regarding daily iron supplements to combat low ferritin on TRT. There was an excellent and detailed post on raising ferritin fast, but thats not my intent at the moment. i decided on “Ferrochel Iron Chelate - 27mg Iron Bisglycinate Supplement” i found...
  12. S

    Fat burning dose?

    I could have sworn I recently read (somewhere) on this forum that significant fat burning doesnt appear until you hit a minimum of 130mg test per week. Ive searched through several threads discussing fat loss and cant find it again. Can someone please point me to that thread or specific guide...
  13. S

    SubQ frequency downsides?

    Read through the forum guides, and see SQ individual dosing recommended at max 0.5cc And this reflects what ive heard in the past. Id like to reference these two articles from 2014 and 2019, which specify max volume at 1.5cc (one says up to 3cc in the abdomen). my weekly inj would be over...
  14. S

    SubQ frequency downsides?

    One week back in december, i tried 3x dosing (MWF) out of desperation, and it resulted (on 3rd shot) in unpleasant euphoria and rather severe anxiety for several hours…..further reinforcing your observation.
  15. S

    SubQ frequency downsides?

    I might be misunderstanding you. Are youmsaying based on the info i provided, I would respond better to one large weekly dose imstead of multiple,dosing through the week? Because that would make a lot of sense looking back at my experiences.
  16. S

    SubQ frequency downsides?

    systemlord, can you talk to me about typical pros and cons to once weekly subq vs more frequent dosing? Is it differentfrom IM because of how its absorbed? I saw a thread here claiming most men inject once weekly IM/SQ, and that most trt clinics recommend that, but i didnt see anything backing...
  17. S

    SubQ frequency downsides?

    ive seen a multitude of your posts, and i think we are the same in that we react/metabsolize meds in a VERY atypical way…..which people (especially of the doctor persuasion) refuse to believe until everything goes spectacularly sideways….and even then, mebbe not *wry look* battling doctors...
  18. S

    SubQ frequency downsides?

    “Inflammatory response”? Do you mean pain/redness/swelling at injection site?
  19. S

    SubQ frequency downsides?

    Theres certainly a wealth of discussion on here about subQ injections, but im having a hard time finding anything on potential cons of increased dosing (i.e. 3x weekly imstead of 2). My limited understanding from reading this forum is that it would just promote better feeling/perception/flow...
  20. S

    Dr. Crisler, SQ, and studies?

    We are talking at cross purposes. Its a question of defining terms, medical and layman. “Deltoid” is a specific anatomical location, “shoulder” is a region. Thats the confusion. I do thank everyone for their assistance, everyone on this forum has been incredibly patient and helpful. Based...
  21. S

    Dr. Crisler, SQ, and studies?

    @Nelson Vergel yes, i saw the pic of the shallow IM deltoid and watched it referenced in that video also. Perhaps im getting confused by the word “shoulder”? To me, “shoulder” is a fairly large region..Could you please clarify?
  22. S

    Dr. Crisler, SQ, and studies?

    Ive read several excellent threads under/associated with the “testosterone basics” section on this forum. I see people talking about injecting into the “shoulders”, but i didnt see that mentioned on the formal guides i saw. Did a search, find more people talkmg about it…but no...
  23. S

    Dr. Crisler, SQ, and studies?

    Well, i did the IM for several years, but with nerve damage in my legs and living alone now, its gotta be the SQ route… i guess its “suck it up” time, cuz the next few weeks are gonna be rough waiting for the SQ fat/saturations issue to settle…. :)
  24. S

    Dr. Crisler, SQ, and studies?

    My takeaway after reading: no significant difference in total T between SQ and IM if testing is done at appropriate times. Since im carrying an extra 90 pounds in my belly, it will probably take a higher weekly total dose via SQ to achieve similar results by a lower dose IM. Also, SQ is gonna...
  25. S

    Dr. Crisler, SQ, and studies?

    I was watching one of the late Dr. Crisler’s videos….i believe he mentioned there or in a blog that SQ injections end up raising T levels about 20% higher than same dose on IM i.e. 80mg total weekly SQ would get results like 100mg total weekly IM please someone correct me, as i think im not...
  26. S

    Metabolism and cypionate vs enanthate

    Its also relevant that this is going SQ
  27. S

    Metabolism and cypionate vs enanthate

    Historically, been on cypionate for years. New NP (who I recently decided to dump due to perceived incompetence and carelessness) just switched me to enanthate. The relevant info here is that I metabolize meds super fast. Doctors never believe me unless they see it (in hospital, surgical...
  28. S

    27G x 1/2 VS 25G x 5/8

    Its my understnding that the 1/2 inch is preferable over shorter lengths like 5/16 to ensure the test isnt staying too close to the skin (dermis/epidermis) imstead of gettting into the subcutaeous
  29. S

    27G x 1/2 VS 25G x 5/8

    I dont disagree after my experiences the past few months. Imdont mind the larger guage, but the needle length seems to be a problem….took my a while to catch on to it, being new to SQ. Got tired of poking holes in arms and legs for years…
  30. S

    27G x 1/2 VS 25G x 5/8

    Switched from IM to SQ a few months ago, been using 25G x 5/8 insulin syringe at 90 degrees in my incredibly fat belly. Specifically, between 2-4 inches away from the belly button on either side. The way it “feels” and how quickly i react to it, i think im actually doing a shallow im...
  31. S

    Cypionate & Rapid metabolism

    Yeah. I've heard from you and others on this and the other forum. Plus read quite a few articles. I think you are correct. I will pursue this.
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