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  1. P

    Pregnenolone + Borax - The combination of the gods

    Ive done 25mg dhea + 25 mg preg, and it worked some. I felt i really needed 50mg preg to get a good effect, but my skin gets super dry. its really strange as its suppose to help skin. But yesterday i did 100mg.. and wow, great energy and clarity. felt great all day and woke up the next day...
  2. P

    DHEA wow!

    how did it go? what dose dhea and did it lower after stopping, lower then baseline before dhea? i wounder if it upregulate or downregulate after use, aka higher test levels as baseline after
  3. P

    DHEA wow!

    did you get withdrawal from it after stopping? or did it upregulate?
  4. P

    Feeling depressed the day following DHEA supplementation

    What happends when you quit? upregulated or down regulated?
  5. P

    What dose DHEA/preg to avoid shutdown/withdrawal, 20 - 50 - 100mg ed

    Guys, i would LOVE to hear your experience on this. I have CFS and destroyed adrenals, they are better now but i just came across this (DHEA/Prog). And alot of people seem to dose it pretty high, and then the ray peat forum guys who microdose it I saw a post on a guy using 50mg dhea and got...
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