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  1. E

    Blood Work, New Doc, Concerns

    Makes total sense. And I too am thinking that many of my benefits are from HCG, secondary hypogonadism would indicate that LH and FSH imitation would have this make sense. I've noticed lowered libido, weaker erections, smaller semen volume, aching testicles, etc. And getting a little tired again...
  2. E

    Blood Work, New Doc, Concerns

    Luckily, my prior PCP was able to monitor and prescribe hormones. He had been in practice for a long time and always made sure to message me and set up labs all the time. I liked it. I've been on TRT/HCG for about 2 years now and it's been great. Being off HCG, my testicles are getting achy as...
  3. E

    Blood Work, New Doc, Concerns

    Does reliable pharmacy still not require a script for HCG?
  4. E

    Blood Work, New Doc, Concerns

    talked to my new PCP. He is doing a short term TRT prescription so I don't crash in hopes that an endo opens up soon. This is all very annoying, no wonder people bypass their doctor and go to TRT mills. I'm almost more knowledgeable than my PCP. He didn't know what HCG was and was scared it...
  5. E

    Blood Work, New Doc, Concerns

    I personally have no symptoms and imagine I can solve some of those numbers with easy lifestyle changes. I did forget to include I'm a mile above sea level so it's expected that I have higher RBC and HCT. My doctor has read my last two messages and left me on read. Insane. I simply cannot...
  6. E

    Blood Work, New Doc, Concerns

    So my pcp retired, I now have a new pcp who says he cannot prescribe TRT. I was referred to Endo and it's a 6-8 month wait. I'm on my last 1ml vial. I injected .15ml on Monday vs the usual .25 . I've also been out of HCG for 3 weeks...and strangely I can feel the difference. Furthermore I just...
  7. E

    Pretty annoyed - refills

    but How do I keep inventory? I inject just slightly less than my prescribed amount and it's always finishing quick. I use insulin needles too. These 1ml vials suck. I used to get the 10ml monster back in the day and it would always last me way longer than it was supposed to. I'm not even sure...
  8. E

    Pretty annoyed - refills

    I figured. It makes zero sense....I've been on this over a year. My bloodwork is wonderful. No concerning numbers. All within range including lipids. Why hault a renewal due to a missed appointment that I wasn't even requested to schedule. Lame!
  9. E

    Pretty annoyed - refills

    So my last vial ran out Monday as I expected it to. My CVS app said an automatic refill would happen yesterday. Nope. Requested a renewal of the prescription and got no response. Emailed my doctor and then his assistant replied that he did not renew it since it's just been over a year since my...
  10. E

    About a Year on TRT...lab work next week...questions

    I agree. I requested that in my initial email to my PCP...didn't happen apparently. I have never known my free or SHBG and I know those are super important. Albumin too.
  11. E

    About a Year on TRT...lab work next week...questions

    Total Testosterone 1,049 ng/dl Down from the 1200 it was initially. I'm actually okay with this? Triglycerides 75 Cholesterol 165 HDL 51 LDL 99 Glucose 96 (highest I've ever had?)
  12. E

    About a Year on TRT...lab work next week...questions

    some results just came in: RBC: 5.59 Hemoglobin: 17.4 Hematocrit: 50 RDW: 13.9 MCHC: 34.5 Seem okay? Issue for me is, my last CMP test didn't have all of these values somehow.
  13. E

    Where to get HCG nowadays?

    I have the best insurance that the federal government offers and they wouldn't touch my HCG. TRT is $5 though. The HCG is out of pocket. $50-something bucks shipped with syringes for a 10ml vial.
  14. E

    Weight Fluctuations TRT/HCG

    I was getting excited as my weight was going down and I was less puffy. But I've realized my weight is just so up and down day to day. Prior to TRT and HCG I was about 219 lbs, 16.5" arms. I worked out like a monster. With trt/hcg I went to 240. Strength went up drastically and my arms hit...
  15. E

    HCG weight gain

    lol weight gain? water retention? Yes, yes, and yes x10. I imagine I gained 10-12lbs of crap weight. My body is finally normalizing after about a year. None of my clothes fit normal and now all my "fat" clothes are curtains. I was honestly a little depressed. I looked fat. Weight fluctuations...
  16. E

    Where to get HCG nowadays?

    Are we allowed to post specific pharmacies? I use Revive RX in Houston. Just got another set of refills submitted. They're easy and cheap. I pay $50 for 10ml vial and syringes.
  17. E

    About a Year on TRT...lab work next week...questions

    Hey guys. I'm about 1 year in; .25ml x2 a week. I feel wonderful. Puffiness is finally going away...took forever. No more naps, almost daily. No more feeling lost and unable to think. Good sex again, whenever I want it. A couple of months in I had my testosterone tested. Total was HIGH (to...
  18. E

    I’m running out early?

    I think I can refill tomorrow. Another stupid 30 days worth. Last three injections were .20, .15, then .05ml I am actually feeling a little tired even though I did a little more HCG than usual. Probably all in my head but I’m looking forward to tomorrow.
  19. E

    I’m running out early?

    I inject HCG as well so I hope this keeps me going and ok as well
  20. E

    I’m running out early?

    So running short isn’t some crazy occurrence? Good to know I’m not that dumb lol I’m still going to call around. I liked that 10ml vial cause I never ran out and always had enough. These 1ml vials are no good
  21. E

    I’m running out early?

    I emailed my doc and received a response from his nurse? She said she can't do anything because it's a controlled substance and it's regulated. I usually inject .25/ml What negative outcomes will occur from 3 or 4 injections of .10ml? I'm finally getting leveled out and feeling good.
  22. E

    I’m running out early?

    It’s still a 1ml syringe but I did change. I had some really nice ones and replaced them with standard Walgreens ones. They suck. So hard to draw and inject. Not sure how much is wasted but that’s all I can pinpoint as well. The pharmacy won’t give me my prescription a week or so early will they?
  23. E

    I’m running out early?

    So when I started this journey I initially got a 10ml vial. It lasted me forever. I transitioned to my PCP for care and am getting 1ml vials now. The initial prescription dose from the TRT mill was 200mg a week. Nope. I do 100mg a week and feel great. I picked up my prescription of (6) 1ml...
  24. E

    Personal Follow-Up

    Hey guys. I've been injecting for a couple of months now and: -haven't taken one mid day nap at work -sleep all night -losing fat/gaining muscle -gaining lots of strength -I can focus again -sex is better I had some blood work done today for a follow-up and it wasn't very inclusive. My PCP is...
  25. E

    Alcohol Consumption and TRT/HCG

    So just don’t get stupid all the time, got it lol a few beers here and there is fine with me
  26. E

    Placebo effect or possible?

    well I like it. I expect to have shiity days too, just like a regular person, but I'm thinking it should get better. Didn't want to jump into 200mg/week.....I'm at 100 for now. Not sure when to try to increase or not?
  27. E

    Alcohol Consumption and TRT/HCG

    Hello all. I'm sure of you have been on TRT for a while and still enjoy yourselves a sip of whiskey, glass of wine or a nice IPA. I want to do this right. I didn't decide to get on trt and hcg and kill it with alcohol/bad eating. I'm already an avid exerciser and eat very healthy. I'm not...
  28. E

    Placebo effect or possible?

    haha well good. I'm not expecting insane crazy changes that just get better and better. Diminishing returns. But I like to think I was very effective person when I was "Normal". gf and I are in the middle of a giant fight, so dammit!
  29. E

    Placebo effect or possible?

    Hey guys. Did my first injection yesterday evening, 50mg in the delt. HCG in the stomach. No pain! But today I do feel different. And I'm not sure that it's possible or real. But I'm okay with my brain convincing me otherwise. I feel more "focused". Like my mental vision/clarity is in a...
  30. E


    Thanks. Should I start at 100mg/week or 120mg? The endo said that it's better to start lower and increase than it is to have an incorrect higher dose. I don't think more is better but I also don't want to under dose. HCG....I don't even know what that looks like. I was told it needs to be...
  31. E


    My Test and HCG are arriving Thursday. My physician recommends I inject test twice a week 50 to 60 mg each injection. I’m ok with this. I would like to inject Monday’s and Thursdays. does it make a difference if I start on a Monday or a Thursday? Can I start Thursday...then Monday, etc? or...
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