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  1. J

    Sperm count zero on trt plus hcg

    Good luck, it should take at least 3 months to see some results. Keep us posted Cheers Jay
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    How long for Nebido to work?

    Hi @lostmc , I’m in Switzerland,and I’m under Nebido for a couple of years and I like and I‘m happy it will take you sometime to find the right interval for you. normally the should give you a booster 6 weeks after the first injevtion and then 12 weeks later blood check and injection. Im on 9...
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    Sperm count zero on trt plus hcg

    If you do Not want to stop TRT, please consider to add FSH/HMG together with HCG. you may need higher doses of HCG too. good luck Jay
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    Does anyone know what these results mean?

    I would not worry about Lab results for now to be honest. I have been there! Having some additional endogenous testosterone to feel ok, not as good as under TRT and with menopur should do the job. Keep in mind that takes around 3 months after started with menopur to see result on the semen...
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    How to Improve Sperm Quality, LH, FSH and Testosterone in Infertile Men

    No I did not. Actually I could theoretically but, my doctor said that would mess up with my hormones even more, I think estrogen would spike up even further. It is a temporary thing, super important. I was feeling ok but not as good as under TRT, but much better than stopping cold turkey. Good...
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    How to Improve Sperm Quality, LH, FSH and Testosterone in Infertile Men

    Hi @jc2, I was off Nebido, on 1500iU Choriomon (HCG) every other day and 300iU GonalF every other day too. 4 months until they could find health swimmers. It is not a big deal stay off testosterone for a little while, it was ok for me as I had a bigger plan, and it was totally worth it. Good...
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    How to Improve Sperm Quality, LH, FSH and Testosterone in Infertile Men

    I guess the reason behind is that with trt and high levels of HCG we will convert more to estrogen, therefore would make sense to stop with TRT or at least reduce the dose to keep the same test levels. I’m not a doctor just thinking out loud based on my experience and research so far. Worked...
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    Going to give nebido another shot! Split protocol this time...

    Hey @Bolex , How are you doing on Nebido and how is your current protocol? My doctor suggested me to keep 8 weeks interval and my wife will be doing my shots. I’m wondering go micro dose myself instead on every 8 week. Once a week would be fine. I’m wondering if you feel any pros. Cheers
  9. J

    ED with Enclomiphene and HCG

    I did use for while before GonalF. I'm not a doctor, but I believe they will fight against each other. Clomiphene should help to speed up the HPTA adjustment, helping to increase LH and FSH signals to the testes. But HCG inhibits also LH signal so I guess it is too much medication for...
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    ED with Enclomiphene and HCG

    I would stop with Anastrozole. You need estrogen to have libido. The issue here is that HCG also inhibits your HPTA, therefore there is something missing here = FSH. If you can add Menopur or GonalF on top of HCG. I took 2000 iU HCG EOD and 300iU GonalF for 3 months until I could find sperm...
  11. J

    Azoospermia on hcg 2000iu x3 a week shocked

    Really the gold standard I would say. HCG+FSH (GonalF/Menopur) I guess Menopur has some "HCG/LH" but low amount, if I'm not wrong. Anyway, that is the easiest, quickest way to have sperm, I did that 2 times already and worked both times. Good luck to you! Cheers Jay
  12. J

    Ovitrelle pen instead of Pregnyl

    I was out, no testosterone for me. My doctor was not against, but he said that could cause side effects due to the testicular stimulation + testosterone. I was just fine in the end, not optimum, but I survived :) Totally worth, specially if you are investing a lot of money on IVF. Regards, Jay
  13. J

    My E2 is sky High pls HELP .

    IMHO Remove HCG, that is clearly creating part of the problem. I do not believe it will retain your fertility anyway. You need FSH (yours is zero) + intra testicular testosterone (coming from HCG) but only that is normally not enough. We can not have everything. When you are ready to...
  14. J

    Azoospermia on hcg 2000iu x3 a week shocked

    HCG did not increase my total T too much, it was always low, but I guess intra testicular high enough to produce sperm for sure. HCG + FSH is the gold standard I would say. I did not feel as good as I feel now, with Nebido, but you have to keep in mind that it is for a good reason! I'm sure...
  15. J

    Ovitrelle pen instead of Pregnyl

    I have used 2000 IU HCG every other day for feritiliy + 300IU GonalF also every other day for fertility. We should get our first son anytime from now to the next 3 weeks.
  16. J

    Azoospermia on hcg 2000iu x3 a week shocked

    Thanks lostmc! I have primary hypogonadism. The point is that HCG also shutdown your HPTA therefore your natural LH and FSH would be compromised. To produce swimmers our body needs both hormones, LH and FSH. LH (HCG is LH analog) produces Intra Testicular Testosterone and FSH produces sperm...
  17. J

    Azoospermia on hcg 2000iu x3 a week shocked

    You will be good with HCG and HMG/Menopur Good luck! It takes 3 months at least to see the result. Worked for for me and we are expecting our first Son in 5 weeks time. I'm 47. Regards, Jay
  18. J

    Is Aveed (Nebido outside the US) Long Acting Testosterone Injection The Answer For Men's Low T?

    I would be interested to know more about this method, how you feel and pros and cons Any pip? Why not IM? All the best!
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    Is Aveed (Nebido outside the US) Long Acting Testosterone Injection The Answer For Men's Low T?

    I did once a test 4 weeks after the injection and my values were not to high, Nebido seems to keep my levels quite stable. Working good for me, have 1G every 9 weeks. I’m having high blood pressure lately, but I’m investigating still, no final conclusion, otherwise I’m feeling great!
  20. J

    Semen analysis results after adding FSH to TRT and hCG

    Where are you based? I’m based in Switzerland and with a prescription I can have access to GonalF for example.
  21. J

    Semen analysis results after adding FSH to TRT and hCG

    Menopur or GonalF as far as I'm aware. There is also HMG but I do not know the standard names. Good luck!
  22. J

    Semen analysis results after adding FSH to TRT and hCG

    Nope As I have issues with my testeis I did not observe high levels of testosterone with high dosage of HCG. FSH should have an influence on spermogenizsis only as far as I’m aware. Cheers Jay
  23. J

    Has anyone here been on TRT long term (years) with no HCG and Regained fertility?

    I regained fertility three times, stopping TRT. First time stopped cold Turkey, took me more than 1 year to regain fertility, felt pretty bad, had some sperm frozen and three months later back on TRT my wife for pregnant of twins, unfortunately we lost them at week 12. Second time stopped TRT...
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    I need help getting dialed in

    @Sb32 , I hope you are keep feeling better! Less is more in the end, take sometime to get yourself dialed in, as many recommended reduce the amount of compounds and reduce the dose. I'm on Nebido every 10 weeks only, "equivalent" to 100mg per week and I feel great! No AI, no HCG, I know...
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    Going to give nebido another shot! Split protocol this time...

    Silly question, what if you inject more and less often? I mean if you compare to before? I’m on 10 weeks interval full dose (1G) and I’m doing just fine. I know everyone is different and numbers doesn’t not mean symptoms/results. Good luck and keep us posted! Cheers Jay
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    Starting clomid for infertility

    I think you hit the point here @Stoak , It is about timing and determination to stay low (with some of the symptoms of low T + maybe some side effect + the whole emotional stress of the situation) for months. If someone tells me there a way that increase the chance to make it happen quicker, I...
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    Starting clomid for infertility

    I understand you very well. Think that is temporary and for good reason! All the best!
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    Starting clomid for infertility

    Hi @LFG , i think it is worth to try. just keep in mind that the result of this path may take from 3 to 6 months to generate some results. Focus on good diet and a lot strength training, specially legs. Stay strong, resilient and calm during this period, there are lot of ups and downs, but you...
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    I can’t find HCG/Pregnyl

    Try Choriomon
  30. J

    Starting clomid for infertility

    I think 500iu HCG e2d is just too little to recover fertility. I’m not a doctor, just sharing my own experience. HCG will force your tests to produce testosterone, but will shutdown your own HTPA, then you have Clomid signing to Gnrh to produce LH and FSH (testosterone and sperm) but then...
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    Going to give nebido another shot! Split protocol this time...

    Regarding hematocrit results, I have a recommendation that worked very well for me. Before your blood test make sure you are very well hydrated, I can tell you that previously I did my test without drinking any water in the morning and that has definitely a big impact in my levels. Give it a...
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