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  1. C

    oral DHEA causes depression

    Were you using prescribed or otc td dhea? My dhea tested low and I've tried several different oral capsules/tablets at strengths as low as 5mg/day and always end up with high e2 symptoms.
  2. C

    DHEA delivery method... Still searching

    I did take a tiny piece ( .125mg ) Anastrozole yesterday to see if it helps. I'm not on trt now, just DHEA so maybe a dose that small won't have any negative sides.
  3. C

    DHEA delivery method... Still searching

    Vince, I've read about your trials with DHEA. Did you have one method that worked better than the rest?
  4. C

    DHEA delivery method... Still searching

    I tested low in separate labs a year apart. I'm just trying to get into range. I do love the way it makes me feel the first couple days. That's all I get from it.
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    DHEA delivery method... Still searching

    I've been off trt since May, and have been trying to bring my low DHEA levels up. I have tried 3 different brand otc orals, and troches from a compounded pharmacy. They all raise my e2 after a few days. The only one that did anything positive is ultra micronized 25mg tablet that I cut into...
  6. C

    Low t yet good libido

    When on trt, I tried different protocols ( look for threads I started). I did use Anastrozole in small doses along with test cypionate and HCG, but never had the quality of wood on trt as I have since being off trt.
  7. C

    Low t yet good libido

    I have been off trt since May of this year and my numbers have dwindled. Labs from 8/16/16 Total test. 372. (348-1197) Free T. 7.2. (7.2-24) Sensitive e2 15.3. (8-35) My DHEA has also been low for quite some time now. I have a follow up with defy to discuss starting back on trt, but in...
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    DHEA delivery routes; sublingual

    That's hilarious! Have you been doing it long enough to provide some feedback on how it makes you feel?
  9. C

    Effective Lower Back Exercises

    PAUL-E is that your homemade reverse hyper? If so, how much weight are you using? I also purchased a Hammer Strength ISO row and a couple other pieces to work my lats without putting too much stress on my lower back. Hammer makes some great stuff! Another piece that has helped strengthen my...
  10. C

    Effective Lower Back Exercises

    Reverse Hyper. I injured my back years ago and tried everything short of surgery for almost 2 years. Physical therapy and chiropractors did nothing for me. I bought a Louie Simmons reverse hyper like the one in the video (except mine has the strap), and it did more for my back than any Dr. With...
  11. C

    DHEA - Low Dose Surprising Results

    My DHEA tested low on my last labs. I purchased the 25mg ultra micronized dhea tablets. I can't tolerate more than 1/4 tablet at a time. If I take it at night I sleep great, but always have e2 symptoms the next day... very soft wood, moody, puffy face. I'm currently off trt so dhea is the only...
  12. C

    TRT - Why it works and why it doesn't

    My total T 2 years ago was in the 200+ range. Now it's 417 after, so I feel confident the weight loss helped. I don't want you guys to think I'm completely better off without trt. I'm not. My free T is still very low normal. I don't have the drive to cycle that extra few miles or that extra...
  13. C

    TRT - Why it works and why it doesn't

    I was told 1000 units hcg/week, split daily x7 or 200/day Mon-fri. I just did the 120/day and stuck with it. It did help keep my testicles full. The .25mg Anastrozole was used when injecting weekly. .125mg was used 2x week with test cyp twice /week and subq ( e2 was highest and total and free T...
  14. C

    TRT - Why it works and why it doesn't

    I didn't intend to start a new thread and apologize to the op on the other thread for hijacking. To add to what I've already put, I lost over 50 lbs while on trt, built muscle ( but I am an easy gainer and used to body build in younger years so it was easier getting the muscle back), and looked...
  15. C

    TRT - Why it works and why it doesn't

    I was on trt from mid 2014- May this year. I tried injecting once per week, every 3.5 days, eod, subq, IM. Never more than 100mg/week of test cyp. Each time an adjustment was made I waited 8 weeks before having labs. The last labs at 24mg eod and 120 units hcg subq ed revealed numbers that...
  16. C

    Lowest weekly Test dosage on TRT?

    Subq just doesn't work for me. I tried it for 2 months. HCG was 120 units ed and it was subq. I've been off trt now for 2 months now but if I go back it'll be IM EOD again, and it will be even less test cyp.
  17. C

    Lowest weekly Test dosage on TRT?

    My last labs on 24mg Test cypionate IM eod along with small daily dose HCG had my total T at 955. Free T and E2 looked great too. But they're just numbers. I never felt that great.
  18. C

    Can DHEA supplement cause anxiety?

    Did you reduce your dose when switching to the micronized?
  19. C

    Can DHEA supplement cause anxiety?

    Vince, I just read an archived thread from 2014 where you stated the DHEA you were taking made you feel angry and aggressive after 4 days. That's exactly what I'm getting along with a red face and ed. Were you able to tolerate a different brand better?
  20. C

    Can DHEA supplement cause anxiety?

    Guys, I've been taking the DHEA before bedtime. It seems to help me sleep better but I can tell it's driving up my e2. The 25mg capsules I have are not micronized, so I ordered some that are ultra micronized from I need to bring my levels up but I just can't tolerate the e2 symptoms, so...
  21. C

    Can DHEA supplement cause anxiety?

    I have a follow up with him on the 28th. I'll just use the DHEA I have until then.
  22. C

    Can DHEA supplement cause anxiety?

    Another question... Is it necessary to supplement with pregnenolone when DHEA is low? Or should I get tested first? Thanks guys
  23. C

    Can DHEA supplement cause anxiety?

    I'll order those through DEFY. I'm on eod injections along with daily HCG trying to control e2. I get high e2 symptoms (libido, ed) even when I'm at 30 on the sensitive test. That's with total test above 800 and fee in the upper range. ~One more concern, my good cholesterol is below range and...
  24. C

    Can DHEA supplement cause anxiety?

    Thanks for the replies. I think I'll continue with the DHEA and get my pregnenolone tested before supplementing. I'm using Life Extension DHEA 25mg capsules now. Is the transdermal delivery method any better? My follow up with DEFY is at the end of this month.
  25. C

    Can DHEA supplement cause anxiety?

    I only had the required labs for a follow up exam. No cortisol labs. I must say that my stress levels have been through the roof for several months. Does that affect DHEA? Where do you get the pregnenolone and what delivery method is best for it?
  26. C

    Can DHEA supplement cause anxiety?

    I've been on trt since 12/14. My current protocol is 24mg Test cyp eod and 120 units HCG ed . I got my follow lab results but I don't know how to upload them from my iPhone without giving away my personal info. My DHEA - sulfate came back low. 67.7. (71.6-375.4) I'm using 25mg micronized...
  27. C

    Which Test injection method do you use - IM or SubQ

    25g is what I've always used for IM. I've tried 1/2" but respond better to deep IM. I have massive delts and quads, and have no problem at all using the 1" needles. Latest lab results.. TOTAL T. 955 (348-1197) FREE T. 21.8. (7.2-24) SENSITIVE E2. 27 (8-35) This was from 40mg E3D with...
  28. C

    Which Test injection method do you use - IM or SubQ

    1" 25g IM quads and delts. I've tried subq and it just didn't work for me like IM.
  29. C

    Injecting test cyp eod/ed IM

    Thanks for the replies guys. And Dr Saya I can't thank you enough for your comments. The moving target comparison is spot on. Now... speaking of numbers I just got my lab results from 2/12 and was kinda shocked. Total and free T numbers fell off a lot. And the ONLY change made since last labs...
  30. C

    Injecting test cyp eod/ed IM

    I understand what you're saying and I agree. I know that having T at say 800 and E2 of 16 would probably make me feel like Crap. But I haven't made any changes since returning to IM last summer except for Anastrozole dosing/timing. It's the E2 sweet spot that I'm chasing. Not a number. And I...
  31. C

    Injecting test cyp eod/ed IM

    Another question. I understand the e2 fluctuations with days or weeks between injecting. If your T reaches a steady state with ed injections that means your e2 should as well. What if that number or state causes high e2 symptoms? One would still have to use an ai, right? I have no trouble with...
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