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    Underdosed generic Perrigo Test Cyp?

    And when fighting with insurance companies - know this when it comes to preauthorizations and requests for brands (dispense as written ) many formularies will allow for brand if you have had a serious reaction or find a generic to be ineffective or affecting the overall continuity of you care ...
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    Underdosed generic Perrigo Test Cyp?

    I’m a doc and I can tell you with 100% certainty that many generics are complete garbage . I too have had serious reactions and fluctuations in overall T levels when getting switched from one generic to the next and I to fight like a mad man and threaten the insurance as I know who they are...
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    Success with 1:1 ratio of CBD:THC for sleep problems

    I’ll throw my opinion into the discussion and hope it is of some help as I instruct other physicians on the use of cannabis in the treatment of varying disease process including oncology . Being a doc , I also suffer from one of the worst cases of sleep apnea that any pulmonologist has seen ...
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    Nandrolone Experiences

    Perhaps I am just misinformed and someone could give me correct information as I am trying to get my primary to switch me to this medication . But good rx shows nandrolone discontinued by manufacturer. Does anyone know the status or perhaps the med is developed under a different name. My drug...
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    3.5 years on TRT and feeling no effects. Time to give up?

    I normally do not post to forums as a physician for a variety of legal and ethical reasons , but this site is insightful and supportive and I think has excellent members with a great deal of anecdotal information that should be utilized by docs . Depending on the patient’s issues and depending...
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    3.5 years on TRT and feeling no effects. Time to give up?

    I feel for you . I am a physician and I can tell you that most docs have no clue what they are doing with TRT and the treatment medical practitioners receive is not superior to anyone else. That being said, I was forced at 46 years old to start TRT due to heart failure , hypopituitary , empty...
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    Sleep apnea/insomnia on TRT can time fix it? advice needed

    Sometimes we do not know if we have breathing problems when we are asleep because we are asleep -until we are not. You do not have to have horrible gasping for air and snoring to have sleep apnea. Some of us who are severe do present like this- others do not until the illness becomes much worse...
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    Sleep apnea/insomnia on TRT can time fix it? advice needed

    I am a doc and allow me to explain my situation to you as I have already lived it. I am not saying 100% that your issue is completely the same as mine as I have no way of knowing your complete history. I was a healthy and power lifted most of my life, but at 42 had to deal with a gallbladder...
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    ED ongoing issues

    First time posting on here for me and I have say , as a physician , I am very impressed by the wealth of knowledge you guys provide to members. I have dealt with my own unbelievable illness as a physician and allow me to say that doctors do not get treated better than anyone else and at times...
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