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  1. L

    beta blockers and testosterone?

    hi guys i seem to vaguely remeber being aware of atleast one study where clomid was linked to higher T levels even after treatment had ceased. I have been perscribed beta blockers (propranolol) to try and help with anxiety however i am aware that beta blocker particularly the non selective...
  2. L

    Fertility when stopping trt hgc

    Hi. I was hoping someone who really know about this stuff could help me I wanted to increase testosterone but am very conserned about becoming infertile. It's extremely important to me personally to eventually have a family. I've read a bit about hgc being used with trt to help try and...
  3. L

    TRT fertility longterm?

    im thinking about going to a doc for TRT, but fertility is extremely important to me. as i dont have a family yet. i've some studies which say that HCG helps keep men on TRT fertile or at-least prevent aszoospermia (0 sperm count) but i couldnt see how long they treated the subjects for...
  4. L

    Low T or Normal?

    i have alot of the symptoms of low T trouble sleeping, trouble putting on muscle, find it hard to grow facial hair, poor mood, low sex drive , memory trouble.etc. i asked my doctor for a test and he gave me one which included it. got the results back and he said i was 14.3 which is about 412...
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