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    How much T for Estradiol Recovery? What else can I do?

    I had my levels mostly low to crashed for 6 months, I'm wondering if I should be taking the 200mg subcutaneously all together or break it up (I'm prescribed 200mg weekly) It has been a month since I took Anastrozole, I mostly took half a pill (half a 1Mg) at the most EOD, once I took a whole...
  2. S

    In Hormone Hell - Test over 60 times Estradiol (sensitive test)

    Test Serum 636 ng/dL Free T (direct) 17.5 pg/ML Estradiol, Sensitive 10.5 pg/mL I have received bad advice from the clinic from the beginning and stupid me didn't get tested months ago. It started with twitching and mild fatigue in July not even a month after starting Arimidex on the advice...
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