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  1. J

    Need to Lower Hematocrit without Donating Blood

    Ok I did it. There was a blood drive 10 minutes from my home. This time the experience was relatively symptom free. I attribute that to my high BP going in. It was 160/98 but I was VERY anxious. Usually its 120/85. My HCT on the handheld was 57! Cant be right since last week at a real lab it was...
  2. J

    Need to Lower Hematocrit without Donating Blood

    And its not because I don't want to take iron, its the blood donations. They wipe me out big time. I get light headed and short of breath during and immediately following the donations. I wish they could take half a pint instead. I was thinking about doing the double red because I was reading...
  3. J

    Need to Lower Hematocrit without Donating Blood

    Do you think my T levels of +800 are too high for a 52 year old?
  4. J

    Need to Lower Hematocrit without Donating Blood

    At one point when I was donating, my Ferritin dropped to 0! I feel wiped out for a couple weeks post donation. I am trying to avoid if I can
  5. J

    Need to Lower Hematocrit without Donating Blood

    So here is my story; I am 52 I have been on T injections for about 4 years. For the first 3 years I was on 70 Mg of Test C. The first few years I had to donate blood every 2 months to keep Hct normal, but ended up with low ferritin. The 3rd year I was fine, my Hct remained normal (around 49-50)...
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