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  1. Ty1on73

    Where to get easytouch 27G syringe?

    Thanks for the link, they have pretty good prices. I may have to try them too. :D
  2. Ty1on73

    Where to get easytouch 27G syringe?

    I couldn't find them there either. I use and buy the Monoject 28G 1/2' 1/2 cc for daily Test Cyp injections. $2.00 shipping is nice too... Monoject Insulin Syringe 28 Gauge, 1/2cc, 1/2"- 100ct
  3. Ty1on73

    Need Protocol advice

    My TRT doc also mentioned sleep apnea- and since I am a heavy snorer I went to see a ENT. They did a sleep study and I have borderline moderate obstructive sleep apnea. Meaning my apnea wakes me up 14.9 times per hour. Below 5 is considered normal. I have been using a CPAP machine since Saturday...
  4. Ty1on73

    Looking for Knowledgeable TRT Doctor in Northern Virginia or West Florida

    Replied to your im. I'm sure he will take a look at your protocol and work with you BCBS covers most costs and FSA covers the rest. Good luck.
  5. Ty1on73

    Westward v. Perrigo

    I compared both Westward, Perrigo to my Sun Pharma (200mg/1 mL) and they are the same each use cottonseed as a carrier. I guess make sure you warm and shake them up and that your 1mL and 10 MmL viles are both for 200mg/1 mL or 100mg/1 mL.
  6. Ty1on73

    Westward v. Perrigo

    Yes mine are generic from Sun Pharma (India) I get them from CVS for $7. (through insurance)
  7. Ty1on73

    Westward v. Perrigo

    James, for what its worth, I haven't been on TRT for very long and all four of the 10Mil viles I have had have all been the same. However, before I found I had low T, I was being treated for adult ADHD and depression. After she had given me the prescriptions, I recall my psychiatrist telling me...
  8. Ty1on73

    More Frequent Injections and E2 and HCT

    I have been injecting daily for about a week now (.10 cc of Test Cyp (2000MG/10ML)). I am feeling really good. I am using an 28G 1/2" insulin pin and with this amount the pins are quick and painless. I have had elevated E2 and I wanted to try dailies before being prescribed an AI. I plan on...
  9. Ty1on73

    T Levels: Seasonal Variation...Ideas?

    it is also important to know what time of day was your blood drawn. most important is having continuity with testing times. if you are not taking testosterone replacement then your T is going to be higher in the morning than it is in the afternoon. this could be a simple explanation to why you...
  10. Ty1on73

    Restart Update: Low Dose Clomid

    Good luck on your journey and remember to stay the course. If you or others reading this use LabCorp be sure to sign up with Lab Corp Beacon and you can get past and future labs in electronic format. Generally at the same time your docs do...
  11. Ty1on73

    I Need Some Help With Test Results

    It wouldn't hurt to test your vitamin D as well. I saw that you are taking a supplement but It maybe nice to know if your within range. I was taking a multivitamin that I though had a decent daily % of vitamin D but my level was still really low. At my docs suggestions I now take Thera-D 4000...
  12. Ty1on73

    Nutt Size

    In the seven months I have been on TRT the atrophy has been minimal, what I have noticed is that my scrotum seems to be drawn in more often than prior to TRT. This is actually a good thing (I think) because I have had (bad) testicular torsion on at least four occasions in the last twenty years...
  13. Ty1on73

    PSA Poll

    I'm starting not to like this poll...
  14. Ty1on73

    PSA Poll

    42 yo 1.5 ng/ml (0.0-4.0)
  15. Ty1on73

    Not sure what to do next

    Sub-q is an option, it seems many, like myself, are doing shallow IM. I was promoting the more frequent dosing aspect to lower E2. I tried sub-q once and had a reaction for the same Test Cyp I had been using for a few weeks and went back to shallow IM using a 28g 1/2" insulin pin. You will find...
  16. Ty1on73

    Not sure what to do next

    If your up for it research daily shallow IM injections. I just started (yesterday) after reading thread below. My desire is to get a true steady state T reading and to see if it lowers my elevated E2 w/o using an AI. I've only been on TRT seven months now but the information and experience on...
  17. Ty1on73

    Have any thoughtful insight or experience??

    Same here Vince, My protocol is currently simple- I was just reading about "backfilling the pathways" and was so confused...
  18. Ty1on73

    Have any thoughtful insight or experience??

    It sounds like you don't want to deal with pinning. One option that was posed to me was Testosterone pellets that are placed in the gluts every few months. I personally didn't even consider this, in fact my first question was "Well how do you take them out if I have an adverse reaction?" my...
  19. Ty1on73

    What Do You Think Of My Protocol?

    I'm glad it is working for you. One concern with your protocol is crashing on your week off. But I am far from what you would call experienced; I've only recently started my own journey. As far as your anxiety goes just keep in mind that TRT is long term with peaks and valleys and the short term...
  20. Ty1on73

    Post injection: red, itchy, bumpy - what to do??

    I tend to carry my body fat on my midsection and my arms and legs are pretty tone therefore the 1/2" works for me. The only time I did a subq I too had a reaction BUT no reaction when I do a IM with the same test Cyp. I've done three shallow IM injections and have very limited muscle soreness in...
  21. Ty1on73

    What Do You Think Of My Protocol?

    Well cycling is frowned upon by most but we are all here to learn and strive to find what protocols work for our individual bodies. If my math is correct you might be on your cycle week how do you feel so far?
  22. Ty1on73

    Post injection: red, itchy, bumpy - what to do??

    I am still trying to find my preferred needles.. I have been drawing with a 22g 1.5 in needle and injecting with a 25 g 1.5" needle BUT only going in about a inch with the 25s (shallow IM). The 25s seem to be fine and I have about 90 left. I bought 100 30g 1/2" luer locks and tried them once...
  23. Ty1on73

    What Do You Think Of My Protocol?

    Very interesting....What type of hypogonadism do you have? are you taking the HCG to prevent testicular atrophy and increase sperm production? Just wondering if you have secondary and the HCG is used to augment your natural production? IF so that is the only reason I could think of for the cycle...
  24. Ty1on73

    Post injection: red, itchy, bumpy - what to do??

    I'm newer to TRT but from what I understood with subq was not to exceed a .5 cc injection in one location. I tried subq once and after doing deep IM and I had the same happen to me. I now do shallow IM injections in my delts and quads rotating locations every 5 days.
  25. Ty1on73

    Oral growth hormone enhancer MK-677 (ibutamoren)

    Just want to revisit this.. I have been researching this site and several others on MK-667 for the last few days and wondering several things. 1. I've read the study Nelson posted above but has anyone had any personal success with long term MK-667 use and if so could you share? 2. Could...
  26. Ty1on73

    Looking for Knowledgeable TRT Doctor in Northern Virginia or West Florida

    My hypogonadism/TRT was identified and is treated by Dr. Frank Melograna (Mid Atlantic Urology Associates) in Annapolis however there are many offices in MD and DC. I am a federal employee and have Blue Cross Fed Employee. I have been taking test cep for six months a vial costs $7.20, 100...
  27. Ty1on73

    Does time really tell with TRT blood work? (experience wanted)

    I've been on TRT for 6 months. T level was 281
  28. Ty1on73

    Does time really tell with TRT blood work? (experience wanted)

    Good point! Natural production is highest in the morning. Sometimes I think but nothing happens. I guess my doctor threw me off when he asked me again to get the blood drawn in the morning. I wonder if his request has anything to do with the other tests he has bundled together. I'll save that...
  29. Ty1on73

    Does time really tell with TRT blood work? (experience wanted)

    Question for the ole timers, those who have been on TRT for one plus (1+) years or who seem to have their numbers in check. I have been pondering the question of when to have blood drawn for testing and pros and cons for getting my levels where they need to be. Specifically, my doctor...
  30. Ty1on73

    Hello community,

    Thank you for asking, I am feeling a lot better. I have stopped taking the meds prescribed for the ADHD diagnosis and have just been taking the Test Cyp however, I still seem to feel sluggish at times as well as a little moody. My doctor believes that this may be attributed to the high...
  31. Ty1on73

    Hello community,

    I am a 42 yo male who has been on TRT for about six (6) months now. In my late 30s I was experiencing many of the symptoms of low T specifically, weight gain, low energy, lack of concentration, and ED. I thought (and so did my shrink) that I had adult ADHD and with mood swings/depression, and...
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