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  1. M

    Blood Pressure Meds

    Still tired or any improvement? Looking at switching from losartan to telmisartan...
  2. M

    Tesamorelin source?

    Thanks Nelson, that's all I was able to find as well. Hoped some of the rc companies may have it but guess not. Might as well run a healthy dose of gh at that cost...
  3. M

    Tesamorelin source?

    thanks, but most of those sources are dried up or don't carry it...
  4. M

    Tesamorelin source?

    Anyone had luck with any peptide companies or compounding pharmacies for Tesamorelin?
  5. M

    My Wife's High Estradiol

    Didn't get the high estradiol sorted out but she has since added supplemental progesterone (based on symptoms) and exogenous testosterone enanthate... Waiting to see how things work out.
  6. M

    Starting dose for female TRT?

    Here are her most recent labs for reference @ 12mg test cyp weekly split into three doses... She's also currently taking metformin 500mg x2 daily, 3 grain naturethroid, 10mg DHEA morning and night. IGF 1 and DHEA have come up dramatically since being the DHEA. She started at 5mg daily, then...
  7. M

    Starting dose for female TRT?

    Based on the research I’ve done free t or 8 is a great target for females. Got labs back at 12mg of t enanthate weekly split into three doses. Total t was 150 and free was 4.8. Shbg is high at 72 but not as high as it was before starting the t when it was 90. Probably the 3 grain of...
  8. M

    Starting dose for female TRT?

    Good info, keep it coming :)
  9. M

    Starting dose for female TRT?

    Sad but true. Would love to hear from her on this but not gonna hold my breath...
  10. M

    Starting dose for female TRT?

    Very helpful JMP. Thank you.
  11. M

    Starting dose for female TRT?

    Thank you Coast
  12. M

    All HCG is NOT the same. Your balls care.

    I was on Pregnyl for the last year or so before the massive price hike. Balls have shrunk a ton since switching to ovidac 5k vials. Not even sure it's working and have tried multiple vials. Going to try the 10k ovidac and see if any change otherwise I guess I've got to go back to Pregnyl or...
  13. M

    Starting dose for female TRT?

    Not much out there, all I'm finding is 10-25mg a week. Anyone have better guidelines for injectable dose for females undergoing doctor supervised TRT? Already tried the DHEA route but not much effect on T levels or libido.
  14. M

    Tesamorelin vs. Ipamorelin?

    Anyone have personal experience w/ Tesamorelin vs. Ipamorelin? Which one do you prefer? Based on my research these seem to be the top two choices currently, aside from growth hormone obviously.
  15. M

    Chest exercise after breast augmentation?

    My wife is heading in for breast augmentation at the end of the month. Some of the surgeon's we've met with recommend putting a permanent end to chest related exercises after surgery. Others have said that is not necessary. Implants will be silicone under the muscle, approximately 300cc which...
  16. M

    Estradiol Issues

    pick up a bottle of ora plus, works great for making oral solutions.
  17. M

    My Wife's High Estradiol

    Some follow up labs to dig a little deeper, these were also run on day 21 (luteal phase). She's started on 5mg of dhea 2 x daily and one teaspoon of progesterone cream for last 14 days of her cycle. Realize this section of the forum isn't too active but happy to contribute here nonetheless...
  18. M

    Left Ventricle Hypertrophy and Nandrolone ( Decadurabolin )

    Not sure on the bpc, ran it for a couple months, did it help or did I just heal in that period? I have no idea. I'd like to think it helped but I really have no concrete way to say that it did. That said I have no regrets trying it, torn knee is 98% healed but now having the same issues in my...
  19. M

    Question about Discounted Labs Sensitive Estradiol Test

    Estradiol sensitive is always the result which slows things down for my results. Anyone know who labcorp outsources this test to? Is there another provider who runs it directly thereby cutting out the middle man and associated wait?
  20. M

    My Wife's High Estradiol

    Had my wife run some bloodwork. She's in the luteal phase of her cycle and I noticed that her estradiol is about 50% higher than the high end of range... Not sure if this is something to be concerned about or could simply be a case of 'estrogen dominance'. Guess we need to run progesterone...
  21. M

    What other panels/tests would you like to see on ?

    I just mean that I prefer to have all of my TT and FT tests run via LC/MS-MS. In the past, and with other online labs, it's been hard to find many options for extensive panels with these core TT and FT LC/MS-MS tests. Most default to ECLIA. I realize this may not be applicable to all but...
  22. M

    What other panels/tests would you like to see on ?

    Looks like a solid option, I must have missed that one when reviewing/searching for tests.
  23. M

    What other panels/tests would you like to see on ?

    Hard to find many panels from the various providers that include the Total/Free T LC/MS-MS. In the interest of consistency I'd like to use the same tests every time (even if I'm not expecting to be over 1500 total t) so that I can compare apples to apples.
  24. M

    What other panels/tests would you like to see on ?

    I'd love to see a panel with Total/Free T/Estradiol Sensitive LC/MS-MS, Lipids, CBC, CMP.
  25. M

    Labcorp to Lower Testosterone Ranges

    Wow. Terrible and troubling. Out of the 10 friends I've encouraged to have their testosterone checked, 8 of them have come back low, all of us are in our 30s. I fear the lab ranges are only going to be forced lower and lower as time goes on leading to subpar levels for those of us on TRT if...
  26. M

    Best testosterone injection site, no aspiration needed, avoids all nerves

    29g 1/2 inch for all injection sites (I try to rotate glutes, vg, delts).
  27. M

    Best testosterone injection site, no aspiration needed, avoids all nerves

    Started using the ventroglute location a month ago or so. Hands down favorite location, even better than delts in my opinion.
  28. M

    Left Ventricle Hypertrophy and Nandrolone ( Decadurabolin )

    Nelson, you are certainly correct. Workout intensity has dropped dramatically the past 9 weeks as a result of torn MCL which I am rehabbing. Very curious what would allow you to draw that conclusion (that I'm not working out that hard) strictly from the blood work?
  29. M

    Left Ventricle Hypertrophy and Nandrolone ( Decadurabolin )

    Got bloodwork back after six weeks on weekly dose of 210 T cyp and 210 nandrolone. Injections were on an EOD basis. Feeling good but nandrolone does not seem to do my lipids any favors. Never seen my lipid panel this bad even on similar or higher T doses. Been taking 500mg citrus bergamot...
  30. M

    Left Ventricle Hypertrophy and Nandrolone ( Decadurabolin )

    I haven't noticed any adverse effects, feel fantastic. I'm not running an AI (I've dosed 6.25 mg aromasin once or twice as an experiment). I'm also on 1000iu hcg twice a week. Thought I would get some high estrogen sides, acne, etc but have not. Libido is very strong (stronger than on t...
  31. M

    Left Ventricle Hypertrophy and Nandrolone ( Decadurabolin )

    Thanks for the links. Good info on the taurine will dig into it more. I'm out of the country for two weeks but will be running bloods when I get back. Mostly concerned about my hdl so will be interesting to see how that looks. Been taking 500mg of citrus bergamot twice a day with some coq10...
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