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  1. E

    How damaging are prolonger erections (2-4 hours)?

    I fully agree with you. Now I think about it, I do have 'periods' during the elapsing hours where the erection is not so hard. Funny thing, it's been an issue if we want to go out afterwards...and for obvious reasons! Might be during this time some re-oxygenation occurs which prevents any...
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    How damaging are prolonger erections (2-4 hours)?

    Thanks for the in-depth reply. I mean it all sounds perfectly logical...I suppose my interest was the issue as to whether the 'in-rushed' blood that causes an erection becomes completely devoid of any circulatory mechanism and is essentially pooled then eventually oxygen depleted. I've tried...
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    How damaging are prolonger erections (2-4 hours)?

    Typically mine lasts 3+ hours on Trimix and haven't experienced any problems despite having used it for several years. Do you have any references for your statements, or is it more just developed from collective readings?
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    How to Predict Estradiol and DHT at Different Testosterone Doses

    I plotted out to exactly as predicted! Been pretty much absent on here for many years, but Nelson and his diligent research has been invaluable! Thank you.
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    Titrating Trimix dose for effect

    Well, you're maybe the most experience guy here when it comes to Trimix. Could it be the amount of stimulation? So you've not tried to analyze the variability?
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    Titrating Trimix dose for effect

    So when you do the 5mg Cialis, how much do you lower the Bimix dose?
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    Titrating Trimix dose for effect

    Thanks DaveK22 for the reply, no I'm way beyond dialing it in. I was referring to the more advanced guys who can actually adjust the dosage to get the effect they want. Some time ago a guy posted his experiences and actually kept prefilled syringes marked with dots for like: 2,3,4 hours lol...
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    Titrating Trimix dose for effect

    I think a couple guys have mentioned that they are able to dose their Trimix for the desired erection times, but I can't seem to locate the thread. In any event, I wonder what the experience of others has been with taking x amount vs. time? Obviously, one variable is going to be the...
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    Question Estrogen

    Then again, there are "no free lunches" in such off-label use: anti-HCG antibodies are not uncommon when pharmaceutical grade HCG is used by men, and one can only wonder what other antibodies might develop against HCG preparations that have little quality control in their preparation. These...
  10. E

    Meta-analysis finds no benefit from testosterone therapy

    In scope, it's not a bad study, unfortunately the criteria for inclusion was a bit weak: studies from the 1950's were included and in some cases there was "no regard to plasma testosterone level." The author's conclusions are also highly suspect... for example, in the CAD study which examined...
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    Latest Update on Metformin

    If you click on the colored links for each of the studies, some info with regard to dosage can be found. For the TRT/metformin study it was 1700 mg/day, which is the same dosage being used in one of the longevity studies. Typical doses are 1000-2500 mg/day with some reports that the drug is...
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    First Cycle Advice

    IMO, too aggressive for a "first cycle," might want to bump the Test E a bit and just try it solo.
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    Soliciting Your Questions for Upcoming Interview with Dr Rand McClain

    With all due respect, it appears the Doctor may have resorted to AAS at times/in the past: something he approves of??
  14. E

    Blood Work - Low E2/Low T?

    Your free test is fine, so this is obviously not the problem. You're right, hopefully your Dr. has some germane ideas, otherwise visit here again, and maybe others can give you some useful input.
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    Lab results came back

    As others have said, increase your frequency, decreasing the dose proportionately. Test levels won't generally correlate with ED issues, so yes, there are other answers that your physician could explore with you.
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    Quarterly Lab Results

    Nicely done! Might want to consider 15 mg each day :)
  17. E

    Supraphysiological T levels

    Ever wonder why the death rate (die at incredibly early ages) are extraordinary amongst BB? Be happy to provide some links if you don't know of any.
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    Supraphysiological T levels

    You're basically living in a dream world. Maybe you should do a little research before you display such a dismissive attitude. Point: "Anastrozole is a well understood drug that provides benefits to millions of men," is a rather ignorant statement considering it was not intended for use in...
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    Supraphysiological T levels

    Its main "negative side" is death (due to stroke/heart attack, etc), which is why the FDA just advised against it's use for "aging" (as contrasted to the more legitimate use in the treatment hypogoadism). Anastrozole is to be avoided like the plague, a short listing of its side effects...
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    My first IGF-1 test (Lab)

    Why use such an archaic substance? 1 mg shouldn't cost more than $5 - can't see where's that is an issue.
  21. E

    Dr Neal Rouzien's Position on Hematocrit and Estradiol Management

    Interesting that when acute symptoms appear due to the administration of an "elective drug" (i.e., like testosterone for which there are no specific diseases to indicate its use) - the rational medical advice is nearly always to discontinue the drug, or reduce its dose. If side effects become...
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    Dr Neal Rouzien's Position on Hematocrit and Estradiol Management

    Precisely. BroScience (Doc:"I feel like my estrogen is elevated...or at least, I think I read that somewhere...") is a good avenue to be one of those statistics the AMA quotes when demonstrating the increased death rate of TRT. OTOH, one can never cease to be amazed at how many 'doc in a box'...
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    Dr Neal Rouzien's Position on Hematocrit and Estradiol Management

    I think you may be missing his premise. While the correlation of high hematocrit to cardiovascular risk is true, he would claim (and may be correct) that disease conditions causing high hematocrit also have the "added baggage" of elevated platelet levels and other clotting factors. If the...
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