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  1. M

    I think I failed my PCT

    Hi Guys This is going to be a long winded post, and I do understand I have been an idiot, I just wanted to pick someone's brains I'm 37 years old from UK, I had been on self prescribed TRT since November 2019. I decided to come off as I never really found any real benefits from when I was natty...
  2. M

    first month on TRT bloods

    Hey all. Started my TRT due to high SHBG, Im from UK so had to source my own. anyway, had it in my cupboard for a year, been on it for 4 weeks. 125mg a week for first 3 weeks, then 200mg in last week, including the 100 I injected the night before the test to check if its legit TESTOSTERONE -...
  3. M

    Just started TRT

    Hi all, from the uk. 34 years old. starting TRT due to lifelong ED, and only weird thing in my bloodwork is over the range SHBG 60 ( 5-55 ) everything else is fine. I need caverject to perform, so I'm starting TRT to see if low free test is my issue. I injected 125mg on Sunday night few...
  4. M

    my TRT dilemma

    34 Years old guy.. had lifelong erectile dysfunction, I have to use 40mcg of caverject to obtain an erection. Without the erection dies as soon as I stop stimulating Had doppler test done, normal tried t3 for a year, no effect hormones, normal.. except.. I have high levels of SHBG. I read a...
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