Recent content by Wuops

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  1. Wuops

    ZMA or just zinc and magnesium?

    I can't imagine there would be a difference if you had the same dose. I take all my supplement individually.
  2. Wuops

    How was your journey in the beginning?

    Don't forget to post a link to your new thread here. Go forward!
  3. Wuops

    Started TRT 10 weeks ago, I was in the I'm getting better...

    it's nice to just sink into a story that has a happy ending at the end of it all
  4. Wuops

    alcohol and soya helps my symptoms?please help!

    I had similar side effects in the first week with fin. I could hardly feel my penis and my orgasm was pretty pathetic. I just felt the "pressure" rather than anything else. If I am honest, it did scare me a little because I like my orgasms! After the first week or so it started to get better...
  5. Wuops

    Prostate massage/milking

    Prostate massage can cause serious damage if done by someone who doesn't really know what they are doing.
  6. Wuops

    Vitamin B6 toxicity

    I read somewhere that even excessive amounts of water soluble vitamins can be bad.
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