Recent content by waterbottle1258@tutanota.

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  1. W

    High DHEA-S, low T

    I have posted before about how I successfully came off TRT after 6 years. It's been 1 year since then and looks like I haven't recovered to what I thought was my natural total T levels (thought I was ~450ng/dL). Since I have been using Quest instead of Labcorp that may be part of the...
  2. W

    Fertility PCT for 41 yr old on TRT for 6 years

    28 days may be enough, but I personally would go at least 8 weeks with 25mg ED. I had success coming off after 6 years. It was way easier than I thought it would be. However, some people are different.
  3. W

    Stopping TRT - HPTA Restart Update After 1 Month

    See my post history if you want to see how it was coming off 6 years of self administered TRT. PCT ended up being: first 2 weeks 500IU HCG daily then 25mg clomiphene citrate ED for like 10 weeks (only side effect was little knee pain). It is currently about 2 months after ceasing the clomiphene...
  4. W

    Tested my son for testosterone

    Everyone is quick to blame testosterone for all of their struggles. I was one of them. Check my posts to see my history. I was actually in the same situation at age 26 in regards to T levels. I am off of T and feeling better than when I was on. It's hard to be a parent I bet. Getting a good...
  5. W

    What to expect after PCT?

    After 6 years of self diagnosed TRT, I'm in the final stages of coming off. I just finished 10 weeks of clomiphene citrate and am wondering what to expect now that PCT is over. Here is PCT bloods (Quest diagnostics) around 6 weeks into PCT: Will testosterone sharply decline below baseline now...
  6. W

    What to expect post PCT?

    After 6 years of self diagnosed TRT, I'm in the final stages of coming off. I just finished 10 weeks of clomiphene citrate and am wondering what to expect now that PCT is over. Here is PCT bloods (Quest diagnostics) around 6 weeks into PCT: Will testosterone sharply decline below baseline now...
  7. W

    Progress coming off 6 years self TRT

    Started a new thread so someone can benefit from a google search. Here are results 6 weeks into 25mg clomiphene citrate ED as part of coming off of 6 year self administered TRT. I was hoping to have Total T and Free T be higher since LH is so high. All numbers will go down once clomid is out of...
  8. W

    When does natural production return when stopping TRT?

    Feel pretty normal. Sleep and libido aren't the best right now. I think the clomid is to blame
  9. W

    When does natural production return when stopping TRT?

    6 weeks into clomiphene citrate. Trying to get off after 6 year of TRT. It's been over 2 months since last injection. I don't know if I will recover more
  10. W

    12.5mg Clomid enough

    Here are results 6 weeks into 25mg clomid ED as part of coming off of 6 year self administered TRT. I was hoping to have Total T and Free T be higher since LH is so high. All numbers will go down once clomid is out of system. I don't know how I feel about the results. Last injection was March...
  11. W

    HCG from India

    I successfully used Ovidac from ReliableRx recently. Balls increased in size a lot. They are Indian. Not my balls, the HCG.
  12. W

    High e2 and high shbg

    If it was me, I would ride it out and not add any other drug
  13. W

    When does natural production return when stopping TRT?

    I'm in the process of coming off 6 year self TRT starting at age 25. Nothing negative from my PCT so far. I did around 2 weeks of HCG and then started 25mg clomid. A little 1 month in on the clomid. I'll post bloodwork from clomid after I get results back. I have a feeling I've recovered fine...
  14. W

    12.5mg Clomid enough

    Update: Feel normal still. I've regained the weight I've lost by eating more with new training routine
  15. W

    Failed PCT?

    I'd get another blood test in a couple months before you jump on trt for life
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