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  1. S

    Bloating with Test E and topical with high shbg and estrone

    I’ve logged my calories And every single meal and water intake for 30 consecutive days. Macros at 40/30/30. I stayed at or under 1980 cals. This didn’t include any allotment for exercise cals burned. Most days I will get somewhere between 300-400 cals per workout so I’m sitting around 1500 net...
  2. S

    Bloating with Test E and topical with high shbg and estrone

    I’ve been on trt for the last 4 years. I’m 5’8 workout daily, run and crossfit 5x a week. When I started I was 185 about 13% bf, now 205 at 19%. Holding a ton of body fat and water weight compared to where I was naturally - was just tired all the time and had 300-350 T. my largest issue is that...
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