Recent content by Spali81

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  1. S

    I'm suicidal. Why do I have to go through this?

    These are the things that happen when people start messing with their hormones and a lot of people including doctors are not very familiar with it. I can only imagine the mess a lot of these transgender ppl are going to go through in coming years. Try micro dosing to help with spikes such as...
  2. S

    Deca for TRT - effects on e2 and hematocrit vs Test?

    When adding deca, do half of the test dosage. If test 100mg deca at 50mg weekly
  3. S

    Quitting TRT

    I think they just charge you for it
  4. S

    Quitting TRT

    I think you can just draw blood out without donating. They simply throw the blood out
  5. S

    Can you help me calculate testosterone dose in 0.5 cc syringe?

    my question is watch out for those 5ml bottles they usually charge more then what a 10ml bottle costs or even more. Try to find a doc who gives you 10ml bottles. Happened to me until I read the bottle and it said 5ml.
  6. S

    Any good TRT doctors in the NYC area?

    Hello I am 38 years old and currently on TRT. I was going a doctor in Manhattan named Dr Olivieri but I not sure if he’s still around or retired. I began going to a doctor on Staten Island but his protocol was bi-weekly visits and wouldn’t let you pin yourself at home. Bi-weekly did not work...
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