Recent content by SilverSurfer

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  1. S

    Confidall question

    I noticed you said you were recently on 21+ days of antibiotics. Nearly 90% of your serotonin is made in the “gut”. If your antibiotics threw your microbiology off, your serotonin can suffer immensely. Jordan Peterson is a wing nut, idiot, who‘s pablum is supped by boys who feel that the...
  2. S

    Confidall question

    I noticed you said you were recently on 21+ days of antibiotics. Nearly 90% of your serotonin is made in the “gut”. If your antibiotics threw your microbiology off, your serotonin can suffer immensely.
  3. S

    Nandrolone decanoate's effect on total testosterone lab value

    if you get the simple assay vs the LC/MS it will be much higher
  4. S

    All day chemist during covid

    They are telling customers to expect a 30 to 50 BUSINESS days to get your shipment vs the 10 to 20 they used to cite.
  5. S

    When to be concerned with high HCT

    It could be general anxiety. With this Covid19 lockdown, everyone’s stress levels are elevated. As to HCT, either eat 1 full grapefruit daily (1/2 with breakfast, 1/2 with lunch or afternoon snack). Or drink 4 to 6 oz of fresh grapefruit juice daily. Grapefruit contains naringin.
  6. S

    Corona Gains: TRT and Gains or lack thereof...

    I can’t speak for Cips, but I just had labs pulled 10 days ago and my numbers are almost identical to his. I use 147 mg per week @ 42 mg EOD. My E2 is perfect for me @ 59.1. Once I exceed 80, my skin begins breaking out with painful, deep, large, cystic acne. My sexual response and feelings of...
  7. S

    I'm starting to wonder if I even needed TRT

    You should lose the weight first. If after you’ve done the work, lost the weight, and still have testosterone issues, then start back up. TRT doesn’t overpower a bag of Cheetos.
  8. S

    Trt just isn't for me?

    it’s pretty clear you were never able to deal with TRT or normal T levels, so it’s good you’re going back to being low T.
  9. S

    Anyone been on 250 IU HCG with TC and not needed an AI?

    If I Just take my 150 mg per week T, and only ONCE per week HCG of 300 iu I do not need an AI. Anything above that once per week 300 iu, means I need an AI.
  10. S

    Anastrazole and Shrinking nuts

    250+ mg per week is a lot of exogenous T. Just 100 mg and 125 mg of T per week made my nuts shrink from small chicken egg size (which were large nuts) down to the size of shelled almonds. HCG makes me breakout with back acne / cysts something fierce. But, the T made my dick grow by 1” in...
  11. S

    Trt just isn't for me?

    You mention 85 kg, how tall are you? Also, what do your thyroid labs look like? Are you on any medications of any kind?
  12. S

    COVID-19 - Anyone stopping TRT as a precaution?

    What nonsense! The best thing you can do is keep your health in optimal condition. Eat your fruits and vegetables, get some sunshine and exercise, and take your multi vitamin and maybe some vitamin C.
  13. S

    Got a Tadalafil Rx and holy cow

    yup. That’s why I was laughing at the moron claiming the Indian stuff was bunk and his US stuff was manna from heaven. All the generic tadafil is either Indian or Chinese
  14. S

    B6 to get back strong orgasms?

    Serotonin is mainly made in the gut, so I highly doubt TRT increases serotonin levels. My guess for this to be true, is that it affects (increases) the transmission to; or binding to; serotonin receptors that would elevate mood in men taking TRT, not raise serotonin levels.
  15. S

    Feeling much worse with IM?

    You might be fighting off an illness, and are just run down.
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