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  1. P

    59 year old with supraphysiological numbers

    What would be red flags on my CMP, lipid, and CBC panels?
  2. P

    59 year old with supraphysiological numbers

    The first test I wanted to see the trough...the second test I wanted to see the peak.
  3. P

    59 year old with supraphysiological numbers

    1 ml vial...was injecting 1ml per .25 twice per week
  4. P

    59 year old with supraphysiological numbers

    Got retested the following T 3025
  5. P

    59 year old with supraphysiological numbers

    I did get retested the following week...same results....drawing from 1ml vial 200mg/ml
  6. P

    59 year old with supraphysiological numbers

    After two years on Clomid therapy as first line, I have been on TRT for 20 weeks. I was prescribed 200mg test cyp per week, and .25 mg arimidex twice per week. After eight week I got labs on day 7. Total T 964 Free T 104 BAT 196.8 SHBG 50 E2 (not sensitive test) 18 All reasonable numbers so doc...
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