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  1. O

    Switching Protocol Before Vacation

    I didn’t feel anything from the caber but as others have stated I was messed up from taking fenesteride & not having my e2 in check. & I think I was taking to high of a dose on the canber. But I still have 4 bottles left so when I get my protocol dialed in I’ll give it another shot
  2. O

    Switching Protocol Before Vacation

    Can’t get my e2 dialed in I when I would take my anastrozol it would crash my e2 & when I wouldn’t take it my e2 jumped way up
  3. O

    Switching Protocol Before Vacation

    just got labs back 200mg once a week (10/3/18) here are my results with SHBG test total 775 ng/dl test free/direct 39.2 pg/ml estradiol 77 pg/ml DHT 49 ng/dl prolactin 9.9 ng/ml SHBG 11.3 nmol/L my labs prior to this last blood work (6/27/18) test total 851 ng/dl (usually around 1200+) test...
  4. O

    Can you overdo L-Citrulline DL-Malate 2:1?

    Ur kidneys converte L citrulline to L arginine y wouldn’t u just take l arginine?
  5. O

    How to improve penile sensitivity?

    Does HCG cause e2 to go up? When I was taking HCG my e2 was very high but i was also taking sermorline. Then added finasteride & anaztorol then I yanked my e2 now I just take my testosterone once a week with nothing else & acne is clearing up drastically
  6. O

    Switching Protocol Before Vacation

    hopefully PFS goes away quickly
  7. O

    Long-term TRT with no HCG - Experiences?

    it is? my original dr wouldnt even think about prescribing me any. i told him my testicles were almost gone & he told me that couldnt happen on 200mg of T switched dr and he put me on 500iu every day to see if it would kick start them back up then swithced me to 500 3x a week
  8. O

    Long-term TRT with no HCG - Experiences?

    ive been on TRT for over 2 years now orignally with no HCG & then started taking HCG after about a year on TRT because of atrophy. 500IU everyday. i think it raised my e2 because my nipples started getting sensitive/itchy & did almost nothing for my atrophy and semen volume however i did notice...
  9. O

    Switching Protocol Before Vacation

    so is it not good to have numbers this high? dr rand had me thinking higher numbers were good as long as we could get my libido back
  10. O

    Switching Protocol Before Vacation

    its not in my labs guess he never checked my SHBG. i kind of regret taking it now after what i read about PFS sounds like most of its damage is irreversible
  11. O

    Switching Protocol Before Vacation

    i am going to schedule an appointment as soon as i can but like i said hes pretty pricey so i have to wait till i got a little extra cash to see him because he doesn't take insurance & a 30min phone appointment i believe he charges $250 im pretty sure my e2 is a big part of the problem. i...
  12. O

    Switching Protocol Before Vacation

    I dont know what my SHBG is. ive looked at all my labs & couldnt find it. does it say SHBG or something else? i started finasteride because of acne & MPB but hair is still thining out & acne is still bad so i stopped taking it after reading up on PFS
  13. O

    Switching Protocol Before Vacation

    I've been wanting to switch my protocol from once a weak injections to a split twice a week protocol. I've been reading a lot on this & it seems to be working really good for people. I asked my Dr. DR Rand McClain about switching to splitting my injections a year ago & he told me to just stick...
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