Recent content by nufal

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  1. nufal

    over training

    Here i am going to share some sign of over training in Tacoma gym 1. You repeatedly fail to complete your normal workout. 2. You're losing leanness despite increased exercise. 3. You're lifting/sprinting/HIITing hard every single day. 4. You're primarily an anaerobic/power/explosive/strength...
  2. nufal

    How many calories do you need to gain or lose weight?

    As far as i think it totally depend on your calories intake and calories consumption .. If you wanna gain weight have to take more calories than your calories consumption but if you wanna loss weight than you have to consume more calories than your intake
  3. nufal

    How often SHOULD you cheat when cutting/dieting?

    My personal trainer suggest me to try cheat meal day once in a month so first Saturday of each month is cheat meal day for me and i eat whatever i want
  4. nufal

    increase muscle, increase protein/calories?

    I think it totally depend on your calories consumption if your calories intake would more than consumption than you will gain fat so i recommend you to consult with befit tacoma
  5. nufal

    Top 5 Exercises to Help You Gain Muscle

    I am quite agree with your point of view. the exercises which you are mentioned no doubt those are all time best but you didn't mention any diet plan as far as i think proper diet is equally important as workout
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