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  1. L

    Adding in 60 mgs nandrolone a week

    I usually draw up nandrolone first because the vial lasts a lot longer for me at my doses. Really the sequence doesn't matter. I just do it for sake of keeping the longer lasting vial closer to sterile. I wouldn't worry too much about dose size. Keep an eye on your systolic blood pressure...
  2. L

    Adding in 60 mgs nandrolone a week

    Only thing I'd have to say here is that you should expect relatively slow and incremental results. Higher doses of nandrolone decanoate are known to have more sides. For me, I get much more oily skin and more likely to have bacne. So it isn't too fun at higher doses where a competition body...
  3. L

    Oxandrolone (Anavar) with TRT

    Like I said. Spent *years* training and eating right both before and after getting on TRT. As disclosed in other threads I had significant muscle atrophy / neurology issues and other problems in addition to low T. Can attest that after *years* of training before and after TRT that I did have...
  4. L

    Started TRT and learning through my mistakes.

    Certainly a bit high HCT. Its not end of the world. Ever try donating?
  5. L

    Oxandrolone (Anavar) with TRT

    This. I started TRT after dropping weight to 145 lbs on a 5'8" frame and then spending years in gym struggling to figure out why I couldn't make improvements like my gym buddies. My primary care physician at the time shrugged the low T idea off but was willing to order a test. Turns out I had...
  6. L

    Oxandrolone (Anavar) with TRT

    Man, reading this thread makes me concerned. Self prescribed TRT with unknown quality of source. Unknown bloodwork state. 6 weeks is hardly enough time to ensure you have a stable enough regimen and physiological response to said regimen to add oxandrolone to it. I'd highly caution against...
  7. L

    Are any doctors willing to prescribe Nandrolone or Deca with TRT?

    Well. I'm back fellas. Just another update. This last year with gyms closed for so long really set my health back. Lost a decent amount of strength being out of the gym over 6 months straight but I hit it hard getting back into it and I'm probably about 2 months away from being where I was...
  8. L

    Are any doctors willing to prescribe Nandrolone or Deca with TRT?

    Here's my follow-up. I weigh the same as I did before adding nandrolone to my TRT protocol. My last bloodwork had serum levels at around 830 ng/dL (264-916 ng/dL) and free testosterone levels were almost 41 pg/mL (8.7-25.1). This is fantastic IMHO. (Free Test results are always higher when on...
  9. L

    thoughts re my testosterone panel for defy ...

    Are you sure your script isn't something like: 0.30 cc Nandrolone Decanoate (200mg/ml) ==> 60 mg nandrolone 2x/week, 0.30 cc Test. Cypionate (200 mg/ml) ==> 60 mg 2x/week 500 IU HCG in 0.5cc suspension 2x/week Have you been getting enough sleep?
  10. L

    Are any doctors willing to prescribe Nandrolone or Deca with TRT?

    I hit the gym 5-7 days a week. I'm not very strict about what each daily workout is, instead I listen to my body and how I'm feeling and where I can train without risk of injury. Most workouts are 1-1.5 hours composed of: - 15-30 min of cardio (usually stationary bike) - 30-45 min of weight...
  11. L

    Are any doctors willing to prescribe Nandrolone or Deca with TRT?

    (New account just because I wanted to comment here about this) I was unlucky enough to be born with a degenerative peripheral neuropathy that has severely atrophied many of my peripheral muscles. There is no cure or treatment to fix it. My peripheral nerves and muscles are wasting away. My...
  12. L

    Are any doctors willing to prescribe Nandrolone or Deca with TRT?

    I unfortunately suffer from a degenerative disease that has caused both muscular atrophying and skeletal deformation. I have been frustrated for years as my body continues to fall apart with no cure or treatment for the underlying cause. To make matters worse, I'm rather hypogonadal so I'm on...
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