Recent content by Kenny Croxdale

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  1. K

    Dementia - Alzheimer's

    Individual Who Don't Care As your primary stated, there nothing you can do for someone who is resistant and doesn't care. My Sister My sister has been pre-diabetic for about 10 years. I've tried talking to her about modifying her diet; which is high in junk food. It's too much work for...
  2. K

    Dementia - Alzheimer's

    Ketones as Treatment for Alzheimers This is a great presentation by Dr Mary Newport. Type III Diabetes Alzheimers is now being labeled as Type III Diabetes. One of the issues with Alzheimers is that the brain becomes unable to utilize glucose to essentially "Turn on the lights" and allow the...
  3. K

    Dietary Analysis

    Yea, I did a trial with a credit card one time. It was a pain to deal with when I decide not to sign up. The guy I tried to cancel with keep going on about what I was getting. My reply was, "I am getting out."
  4. K

    Dietary Analysis

    Carbohydrate Cycling Can your provide examples. This looked interesting. So, I signed up. However, it then said I had a 14 day trial period. It appeared that the intent of the 14 day trial period to sell their site service. For someone who need assistance, I...
  5. K

    Dietary Cholesterol: is it important?

    TEXAS A&M (US) — The more LDL, or “bad cholesterol,” you have, the more muscle you build during resistance training. Bad cholesterol's good for big muscles - Futurity ...after fairly vigorous workouts, adults who were in generally good health, but not normally physically active, gained the most...
  6. K

    how much protein a person should take a day

    Good for you. This most likely occurs a lot. Gaining 10 lbs Is Normal As Per The Doctor My wife had her thyroid removed. She is now on thyroid medication. She watches everything she eats. She had a weight issue over ten years ago, losing 120 lbs. She goes to visit her sister for a two...
  7. K

    how much protein a person should take a day

    Revise with typo and grammar corrections... Good information on TEF. I am quite familiar with it. Yes, as I noted in my post, to some degree. I am impressed. I am on the Ketogenic Diet due to a Metabolic Condition; seeing a specialist. There is research on how the Ketogenic Diet and...
  8. K

    how much protein a person should take a day

    TEF Good information on TEF. I am quite familiar with it. Yes, as I noted in my post, to some degree. I am impressed. I am on the Ketogenic Diet due to a Metabolic Condition; seeing a specialist. There some research on how the Ketogenic Diet and Intermittent Fast may control my...
  9. K

    how much protein a person should take a day

    The RDA 1.76 g/kg/d would work. It falls within most of the reputable research. Lemon does some good research. Protein Timing and Dosage What has changed is that what most important is the Protein Timing an Dosage. Think of it this way. If you prescribed a medication dosage of let's say...
  10. K

    how much protein a person should take a day

    Physicians think they are experts in all areas. Ironically, they have had approximately 6 hour of nutrition and pharmacology in college, decades ago. Physicians specialize in diseases not nutrition, pharmacology, physical therapy, exercise physiology, etc. They need to stay in their lane...
  11. K

    how much protein a person should take a day

    This research information is out dated. This would fall into the minimum daily amount need to just survive. It amount to getting paid the Minimum Wage; you are barely getting by. Kenny Croxdale
  12. K

    how much protein a person should take a day

    Too Low First of all, this is too low. Most individual, especially older one, need about 1.5 gm/kg body weigh. Secondly, one of the vital components that need to be focused on it... Serving Per Meal Research shows that minimum serving per meal needs to be at least 30 plus gram of Quality...
  13. K

    TRT to Supraphysiological Levels for Body Building

    Not Necessary This typical Bodybuilding Diet is not necessarily the only method to increase muscle mass while gaining or maintaining muscle mass. Secondly, this is NOT a diet that Bodybuilder's live on all year long. It is their pre-competition diet. 1) Metabolic Flexibility...
  14. K

    how much protein a person should take a day

    Correction It should have been stated as 1.5 to 2.0 gram per kilogram of body weight. 200 lb Body Weight Example 1) 1.5 to 2.0 gram per pound = 300 to 400 gram per day; which is too much. 2) 1.5 to 2.0 gram per kilo = 136 to 181 gram per day; which is the general recommendation. Kenny Croxdale
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