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  1. I

    Did I inject this ventroglutes shot right?

    The weird thing is though it didn’t leave a subQ typical welt like I got when I did it in my stomach, didn’t sting at all like subQ either, any chance it actually made it into my muscle maybe shallow IM pretty confused now
  2. I

    Did I inject this ventroglutes shot right?

    Yeah definitely not lean enough. You reckon just do subQ there or try IM in delts, that should work? I have so many 1/2 inch needles wanna use them before I try buy some longer ones
  3. I

    Did I inject this ventroglutes shot right?

    So I’m taking a TRT dose of testosterone Cyp and only injecting about 0.4/0.5ml a week. last time (first shot) I was terrified and decided to go subQ in the belly because I have a decent amount of fat there. It didn’t hurt going in but afterwards got a lot of pip and it swelled up a tiny bit...
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