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  1. E

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    I take Telmisartan at bedtime, should I still take tadalafil and l-citrulline with it?
  2. E

    Disappointing Results

    Pregnenolone deficiency tends to manifest as exogenous testosterone intolerance.
  3. E

    Swapping To 1 Injection Per Week.

    I have higher shbg, I have tried everything in the past 7 years, I feel my best with 120mg of T Cyp once a week IM
  4. E

    Swapping To 1 Injection Per Week.

    Your levels can't be "perfect" If you're missing libido, mental clarity, drive, etc you're not dialed in and even if your lab values are "spot on" it means nothing if your symptoms aren't resolved.
  5. E

    Injectable Testosterone

    My wife does 4 mg T Cyp weekly.
  6. E

    Minimum time for labs after protocol change

    You can’t evaluate the effect of a protocol based on lab value numbers. Wouldn’t you want to know “numbers” if you’re feeling optimal?
  7. E

    What purpose does DHEA serve in a TRT regimen?

    Get dialed in on T alone, then add DHEA low dose for a few weeks and assess how you feel.
  8. E

    Minimum time for labs after protocol change

    It’s not just about achieving a steady state, it’s about spending a few weeks at that steady state.
  9. E

    Good e2, high estrone!

    Read well and comment afterwards. "In postmenopausal women as in men, [estradiol]( no longer functions as a circulating hormone, because it ceases to be formed by the...
  10. E

    Good e2, high estrone!

    Estrogens are intracrine hormones, measuring serum levels means nothing. Describe “high e2 symptoms “
  11. E

    Chart showing rise in E2 with T injection?

    The reference for Testosterone is also “physiological “ between 250-850, depending on the Lab. I need to be 1200’s and/or higher and free T also above “physiological “ to achieve symptom resolution, so my E2 needs to be higher also, besides what can be measured with blood work is only what...
  12. E

    Who feels better on e5d or e7d more frequent shots?

    I’m currently doing 110mg every 6 days, I feel a lot better and my free T is much higher than when injecting more frequently. My SHBG stays around 60’s. I feel very steady.
  13. E

    Chart showing rise in E2 with T injection?

    It doesn't matter, Estradiol is an intacrine hormone, as your T goes up so should E, and the body makes sure that your organs have sufficient E. With E, you can't worry about the "range" since the lab ranges were not determined based on men on TRT. Let your E go where it wants to.
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