TRT and saturation of dopamine receptors

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Found this old post by Dr. Marianco on a different forum and I thought it was interesting enough to share. Ideas? Personal experiences?

The following is fairly speculative.

High levels of testosterone for long periods of time, can, I think, result in tolerance to the higher levels of dopamine in the brain. The initial almost euphoric feeling that initial TRT can eventually wane to a lesser level. When at hypogonadal levels for a long time, there may be suprasensitivity to dopamine that develops from the dopamine deficit of hypogonadism. This contributes to the high that results from TRT at the onset.

A problem for testosterone therapy is that there is no therapy that really mimics the daily fluctuations in testosterone production. Testosterone tends to be highest in the morning and fall gradually through the day. This means the dopamine levels in the brain will also follow a similar pattern. Testosterone treatment generally follows either a many day decay in level after a large peak (e.g. injections) or a very steady state level (e.g. transdermals or pellets).

Dopamine is one neurotransmitter that clearly can result in tolerance when present at high levels. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that needs to vary in concentration hour by hour. On of its functions is to provide a feeling of reward on certain events. A reward cannot last forever, it has to have a finite life or one cannot differentiated it as a reward. TRT generally does not have the frequent fluctuations in dopamine level during the course of the day that natural testotserone production lends.

Dopamine sensitivity improves once a deficit is created.

Going off TRT periodically, which is done by ASIH, for example, would then allow dopamine sensitivity to return.

In a way, if dopamine insensitivity is an issue, then one other possible solution would be to have once a month injections such as a colleague of mine uses for her TRT clients. This causes a large peak and then a return to baseline hypogonadism before the next injection. Dopamine levels follow the testosterone curves - in this case having large changes in levels through the month.

The thought of giving a person their whole 4 week supply of testosterone in one injection gives me pause - for example out of concern for a roller coaster experience. The large dose of injection also is a concern. Problems with supraphysiologic levels of testosterone and other hormones at the onsent of treatment is a concern. From her experience, her technique works well for her clients. Perhaps this is one technique that maintains dopamine sensitivity since dopamine levels are constantly changing rather than remaining at the same high levels.

A third approach would be doing TRT in such a way as to avoid very high total testosterone levels - for example, going up to 400-500 ng/dl rather than 650-1000 ng/dl. This way, dopamine levels do not remain constantly high. There then is more headroom for the brain to produce more dopamine in the reward circuits of the brain on demend, without getting to high levels that promote tolerance. If sexual function is not optimal, then optimizing other hormonal systems such as thyroid and adrenal hormones may return sexual function at the lower target testosterone levels. As an example, with good thyroid and adrenal function, sex drive often persists to fairly low levels of testosterone.
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There is a guy over on the t-nation forum who says that going from twice weekly injections to once a week injections and then skipping injections once in a while to add randomness to his T level is what gave him his libido back. So that could possibly be one way of dealing with dopamine receptors that get de-sensitized from steady levels of T.
Far from drawing conclusions, but from personal experience since the beginning of my TRT journey one thing I've noticed is a clear feeling of improved well-being/libido during transition periods every time I've changed dosage/protocols.
I think this post is a bit short sighted. It assumes that testosterone has a large or even the largest impact on dopamine levels as opposed to other hormones or systems that regulate dopamine production and release.

It also seems as if he is advocating for once a month injections, but he said it gives him pause so I don't think so.

Then it mentions maintaining low normal levels of testosterone while on TRT. I would say that from reading the members who post on here, that guys who have 400-500 troughs complain the most about not feeling that great. I don't have evidence to back this up, but it's a bit counter intuitive. Who wants to maintain trough levels at 400-500 when taking all of the effort, money, and risk of TRT?

I personally don't think testosterone can be compared to a dopamine agonist, releaser, or reuptake inhibitor such as cocaine or amphetamines, where significant down regulation of dopamine receptors occur.

Another thing is, it seems to be this post is advocating treating something that is only a problem in theory, it's one thing if guys who are maintaining high normal troughs are complaining of issues, and you try this, but I don't think that is what Dr. Marianco is suggesting.

I do recall a post on here by Dr saya where he was asked if cycling TRT would allow a guy to reexperience the honeymoon period, and Dr saya explained that you could, but only at the trade off of experiencing the low testosterone blues for months. I will look for it. If anyone else finds it please post it here.
I think this post is a bit short sighted. It assumes that testosterone has a large or even the largest impact on dopamine levels as opposed to other hormones or systems that regulate dopamine production and release.

It also seems as if he is advocating for once a month injections, but he said it gives him pause so I don't think so.

Then it mentions maintaining low normal levels of testosterone while on TRT. I would say that from reading the members who post on here, that guys who have 400-500 troughs complain the most about not feeling that great. I don't have evidence to back this up, but it's a bit counter intuitive. Who wants to maintain trough levels at 400-500 when taking all of the effort, money, and risk of TRT?

I personally don't think testosterone can be compared to a dopamine agonist, releaser, or reuptake inhibitor such as cocaine or amphetamines, where significant down regulation of dopamine receptors occur.

Another thing is, it seems to be this post is advocating treating something that is only a problem in theory, it's one thing if guys who are maintaining high normal troughs are complaining of issues, and you try this, but I don't think that is what Dr. Marianco is suggesting.

I do recall a post on here by Dr saya where he was asked if cycling TRT would allow a guy to reexperience the honeymoon period, and Dr saya explained that you could, but only at the trade off of experiencing the low testosterone blues for months. I will look for it. If anyone else finds it please post it here.

This post is for those guys, like me, who have been on an "optimum" TRT protocol as advocated by this site and others, and yet still feel little to no benefit from TRT. We a grasping for a clue as to why we are not seeing the benefit that many, if not most, guys get from TRT once the honeymoon period is over.

Personally I would be more than happy to maintain a trough level of 400-500 if that is where I felt my best. This would certainly not be the case for most guys.

Would I try once a month injections? Probably not, that just seems too far a stretch, but I would try switching from twice weekly to once a week injections at a fairly low dose.
This post is for those guys, like me, who have been on an "optimum" TRT protocol as advocated by this site and others, and yet still feel little to no benefit from TRT. We a grasping for a clue as to why we are not seeing the benefit that many, if not most, guys get from TRT once the honeymoon period is over.

Personally I would be more than happy to maintain a trough level of 400-500 if that is where I felt my best. This would certainly not be the case for most guys.

Would I try once a month injections? Probably not, that just seems too far a stretch, but I would try switching from twice weekly to once a week injections at a fairly low dose.

Okay that's different then, it didn't seem to be directed towards people such as yourself.

I agree with you, if 400-500 is where YOU feel best, that's a different case, but I took it as the post was suggesting everyone do that regardless of circumstances.

Question, is it possible that testosterone wasn't your issue? Do you have low SHBG?
I agree with all this completely. I even mentioned it to defy.
The body naturally is never constant , even through out the day, it is always adjusting. The half life of lh naturally is extremely short.
I am convinced that randomness within a range is what is needed.
Way too many people lose their libido or it is a low constant after months on trt.
I have stopped trt 2 times because of this but mostly because I wasn't using Hcg. Both times right at 3 months atrophy and libidio go down at the same time. Obviously that is when I shut down.
This time with Hcg I have gone past that point and libidio was good until a month ago. E2 is too low so when that comes up , if not better, (with a few other things I am working on) I may try some more random ness.
I agree with all this completely. I even mentioned it to defy.
The body naturally is never constant , even through out the day, it is always adjusting. The half life of lh naturally is extremely short.
I am convinced that randomness within a range is what is needed.
Way too many people lose their libido or it is a low constant after months on trt.
I have stopped trt 2 times because of this but mostly because I wasn't using Hcg. Both times right at 3 months atrophy and libidio go down at the same time. Obviously that is when I shut down.
This time with Hcg I have gone past that point and libidio was good until a month ago. E2 is too low so when that comes up , if not better, (with a few other things I am working on) I may try some more random ness.

So this time, you said E2 is low, isn't it possible that that's what is causing your low libido?

Are you taking AI?
Running yourself back to Hypo for a week or two of three so that you can have some kind of dopamine rush honeymoon seems to be very short-sighted. I notice there's little discussion of Tyrosine and other neurotrans support supplements here. And to randomness...if you think you've reached a steady state and you have no fluctuation or "randomness" in your hormonal levels you should run bloods @ 24 and 48 and 72hrs to clearly see that "randomness" as being discussed her is complete hooey. It's already there.
Question, is it possible that testosterone wasn't your issue?

Quite possible. One doctor I saw described himself in terms of the old story about the drunk looking for his car keys under a street lamp. A passerby asks him why he is looking there, and the drunk replies because that is where the light is. So even though I tested with T levels right around 300, maybe that was really the symptom and not the disease. So who knows, I'm still looking for answers.

Do you have low SHBG?

SHBG is consistently right around 28, so not too bad.
Running yourself back to Hypo for a week or two of three so that you can have some kind of dopamine rush honeymoon seems to be very short-sighted. I notice there's little discussion of Tyrosine and other neurotrans support supplements here. And to randomness...if you think you've reached a steady state and you have no fluctuation or "randomness" in your hormonal levels you should run bloods @ 24 and 48 and 72hrs to clearly see that "randomness" as being discussed her is complete hooey. It's already there.

Probably not enough variance and randomness for some.
So this time, you said E2 is low, isn't it possible that that's what is causing your low libido?

Are you taking AI?
Yes I mentioned that I'm letting it come back up. AI was too much , I may not need it at all of just a tiny bit once a week.

The ups and downs with injectables are slow and long compared to the body's natural daily variance.
Then there is the issue of how long does the low point need to be to be "refreshed". When I started trt the second time after a 6-8 month break, I didn't have the same trt honeymoon.
This post is for those guys, like me, who have been on an "optimum" TRT protocol as advocated by this site and others, and yet still feel little to no benefit from TRT. We a grasping for a clue as to why we are not seeing the benefit that many, if not most, guys get from TRT once the honeymoon period is over.

Personally I would be more than happy to maintain a trough level of 400-500 if that is where I felt my best. This would certainly not be the case for most guys.

Would I try once a month injections? Probably not, that just seems too far a stretch, but I would try switching from twice weekly to once a week injections at a fairly low dose.

This perfectly describes my TRT experience as well, but I have low SHBG that seems genetic (no insulin resistance,no high glucose, not obese, Metformin has had no effect, etc.)
Yes I mentioned that I'm letting it come back up. AI was too much , I may not need it at all of just a tiny bit once a week.

The ups and downs with injectables are slow and long compared to the body's natural daily variance.
Then there is the issue of how long does the low point need to be to be "refreshed". When I started trt the second time after a 6-8 month break, I didn't have the same trt honeymoon.

Oh, I didn't see that man. Sorry.

Right but you're essentially trading OVER 6-8 months of misery, for about a month or 2 of honeymoon period. I don't think this is pursuable.
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