Gene generally mentions taking both micronized Pregnenalone and DHEA as "backfilling the pathways" supplements. I have tried taking just DHEA and then both together. I don't really notice any subjective difference, and have not had any further DHEA blood testing since my initial low result of 58. The question: If Pregnenalone is the "mother" hormone, and DHEA is downstream from it, why would we take both Pregnenalone and DHEA? Does DHEA need to be double supplemented for some reason? Why wouldn't Pregnenalone by itself properly backfill DHEA as well as other areas? And why would we take DHEA by itself if Pregnenalone offers to backfill multiple pathways vs. the singular pathway of DHEA? BTW, this site is a treasure trove of good info. Thanks to Nelson, Gene, and all those who make this place happen on a daily basis. You are doing more good than you probably will ever know.