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Correct me if I am wrong here but we burn T when we exersize. If you exersize 5-6 times a week when does your body ever get the chance to make more.
Is our gas tank of T reserves being depleted faster than our bodies can make it? If that is the case would'nt you get all the symptoms of a person with low T?

I see so many 30 somethings on this forum asking questions with TT in the 300s but then they always write and I workout everyday or 5-6 days a week and see no gains and my blood test shows my T is low. I have brain fog and no energy.

I think there might be a correlation.

A lot of times members do not tell us the full story, you'd be surprised how many members gives us a BS story. Of course that's not everyone and I know that's not your case.
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I started this thread hear over a year ago. Im becoming more convinced then ever too much lifting intensely is bad. I was forced to take three weeks off in March due to some life obstacles. Hated not working out but honestly the first week back in the gym felt great. Strength was even up which after missing three weeks, lead me more then ever to believe that overtraining definitely real. Also each week back my energy gone down. I’ve been doing three days weekly for the last 3 years down from 5 days weekly for 17 years prior now but seriously considering going to 2 days or even going to just pull ups, lunges, push ups. Would love more input on this topic. So for those who train please share your feelings on if you think it maybe causing you as much harm as good. ESP with overall energy and libido.
Lifting like a frustrated teenager is cool for a while until you get hurt.

Less is more. Train when you feel like it. Only time you need to push is if you’re competing in something otherwise you can get 90% results with 70% effort.
It’s crazy but training intensely is the only way I can train. I’ll try cutting back the days from three to two. I’m just really wondering based on more and more people if a lot of the low t issues we face are partly from lifting.
I don’t think it’s the cause of low t. I think most guys today are low t. Just seems like those that lift seem most affected by the symptoms of the low t. So I wonder is it really just the lifting causing a lot of the issues not just the low t.
Any activity can be overdone. I find I feel better after a workout than before. I really miss it when I have to skip a session. However, I think it’s important to reduce training with age. For me, lifting 3x/week is just right. I do a full body workout consisting of one exercise per body part and do four sets. I have also reduced the heavy sets as I’m no longer chasing strength. I do much more time under tension type work now.
I'm bigger stronger heavier than I've ever been in the last ~4 years. Though I can't do more than 4 days per week, and most weeks the 4th day has to be a single body part, like delts, or tris. I'm just beat tired by that 4th day. I have Fri/Sat/Sun off with no weights/cardio at all.
Without much introspection I'm certain that I over train, I go balls out that 4 days. But I take a week off every other month and so forth. Once in awhile it's a light and high rep week.
I recover quite well with TRT and would be great if I slept more/better.
Better sleep is the one missing ingredient for me. I sleep okay, but I’d like to sleep better. A good, consistent nights sleep is invaluable. I’m actually kicking around the idea of trying CBD oil. Thoughts?
One of my employees and her husband like this CBD stuff and she gave me 5 of these gummy's. I tried one before bed and got nothing from it. Tried two and got nothing either. So I kind of just passed on the idea of CBD for sleep which was the only reason it peaked my interest.
That 2-3 AM is my most difficult window of the night, staying or getting back to sleep, I have to be up at 4-430 so I can't take anything and just have to struggle and tough it out as best I can. I find I'm in bed NLT 8pm, most of the time 730pm.
I guess I shouldn’t complain. I sleep pretty well from 10pm to 5am. I’d just like to be able to sleep in a little on the weekends.
I really like Loki's approach to working out. He works each muscle group hard once a week. This gives that group 6 days to grow and heal.
Have you seen picts of Loki, this method fricking works. I'll try to find his post where he talks about his workout.

EDIT found that post. There are several spin your mouse wheel a little to get the full story.
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So,where's this "Loki" in that 53-page thread?
Cbd helps me relax but didn’t really help my sleep. Still wake at 2am.
How high of a cbd dose have you tried? I’m experimenting with >100mg cbd with 3-9mg time release melatonin and magnesium glycinate. Waking up at 1am is horrible. Sometimes I go back to sleep until 2 or 3am, the occasional 4am, but always awake from that point on and feel absolutely horrible all day as a result.
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