Penis Injury?

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I may have injured my penis during sex last june. Sometime in July I noticed a pea sized lump in the very center of the shaft at the midway point. There was never any pain and the lump seems to have gotten smaller. Over the past 6 weeks a slight cure upward has developed during erection. I have done a little digging and I don't think it's Peyronie's Disease but of course I don't know for sure. I am going to see my Doc about this but would appreciate any feedback anyone might have.
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It does sound scary, I don't think I would have waited to see a doctor. I probably would have gone to my doctor the next day.
Fibrosis caused by penile breakage can lead to Peyronie's. Go see an urologist and ask him about the injection product to attempt to dissolve that fibrotic tissue.

Low dose Cialis plus Verapamil Injections Decrease Penile Curvature in Men with Peyronie's.

Ask your doc about starting on Pentoxifylline, it's the generic for Trental. If he is a urologist also do some research online about and bring up Dr. Tom Lue, he's a world renowned expert, your urologist will know him.

I made the big mistake of taking propecia years ago and it did quite a bit of damage. I saw Dr. Lue a few years ago and was put on Pentoxifylline, 400mg, 1 tablet 3x a day and have seen some improvement in restoring size, about 90% back to where I was. Also, some improvement with an indentation and slight curvature. Your curve is likely Peyronie's. I wouldn't delay, your injury is fairly recent and I know Dr. Lue sometimes treats men who are close in time to their injury with 6 tablets a day for about the first 6 months, 2 taken every eight hours. Then cuts it back to one 3x a day.

If you do end up taking Pentox, I found the generic from Mylan to be more effective with fewer side effects than 2 other generics I tried, I get it at CVS.

If you are having any pain or notice an area with a slight firmness when it should be soft you should start to notice improvements from the Pentoxifylline fairly quickly. Many men on Pentox have also added low dose Cialis, 2.5mg about every 36 hours to help with the curvature, there seems to be an anti-fibrotic healing effect.
Ask your doc about starting on Pentoxifylline, it's the generic for Trental. If he is a urologist also do some research online about and bring up Dr. Tom Lue, he's a world renowned expert, your urologist will know him.

I made the big mistake of taking propecia years ago and it did quite a bit of damage. I saw Dr. Lue a few years ago and was put on Pentoxifylline, 400mg, 1 tablet 3x a day and have seen some improvement in restoring size, about 90% back to where I was. Also, some improvement with an indentation and slight curvature. Your curve is likely Peyronie's. I wouldn't delay, your injury is fairly recent and I know Dr. Lue sometimes treats men who are close in time to their injury with 6 tablets a day for about the first 6 months, 2 taken every eight hours. Then cuts it back to one 3x a day.

If you do end up taking Pentox, I found the generic from Mylan to be more effective with fewer side effects than 2 other generics I tried, I get it at CVS.

If you are having any pain or notice an area with a slight firmness when it should be soft you should start to notice improvements from the Pentoxifylline fairly quickly. Many men on Pentox have also added low dose Cialis, 2.5mg about every 36 hours to help with the curvature, there seems to be an anti-fibrotic healing effect.

Hey Jack, did your sex drive or erectile function change on Trental (pentoxifylline?)
Hey Nelson, no change in sex drive and the pentoxifylline actually makes getting erections easier. I noticed an increase right away in night time erections, I think this might be part of what it does that helps with the healing. The pentox also makes the penis hang more full when flaccid.

The pentox sides I had were initially some stomach discomfort (that went away) and more frequent urination. Some men report it increases anxiety, I can't say it really does that with me, my stress levels were pretty high before and felt about the same after I started.

I only went to see Dr. Lue once, the out of state travel was a pretty big expense to UCSF, but my local urologist thinks it's a good idea for men with Peyronie's who have been on pentox for years to stay on 2 or 3 tablets a day as a protection to keep things from worsening.

Don, it sounds like you are about 2 months out from when the injury happened. That time frame, between injury and appearance of the curvature, might be an important indication that it is Peyronie's. I'd been on propecia for about 3-4 years and was having quite a few side effects but thought I should be a tough guy and fight through them, it was helping some with hair, and at the time the propecia literature didn't list the sides I was having so I thought maybe it was something else. I even stopped propecia a few times and the sides persisted which made me think something else might be going on. Out of nowhere I started having pain in my penis. About 2-3 months later an indentation, slight curvature and reduction in erection size appeared.
Saw the doc. I now believe it is Peyronie's. The curvature, while not all that much, is getting worse little by little. I sent my GP information from this thread and she is referring me to Urology. Since this is Kasier Permenete in SoCal I am antisipating some possible restrictions on treatment options. I am trying to get a jump on this by finding another doc if KP will not treat this appropriately. How do I go about find a doc who is an expert in Peyronie's?
Saw the doc. I now believe it is Peyronie's. The curvature, while not all that much, is getting worse little by little. I sent my GP information from this thread and she is referring me to Urology. Since this is Kasier Permenete in SoCal I am antisipating some possible restrictions on treatment options. I am trying to get a jump on this by finding another doc if KP will not treat this appropriately. How do I go about find a doc who is an expert in Peyronie's?

The Peyronie's Disease Society.

if it is Peyronie's a penis extender could help as treatment. 2 years ago I also got a small injury during sex with my girlfriend, well that's what I thought at least ... I ended up with a lot of pain and after a week I started having erectile dysfunctions and there started to form a little curvature in my penis shape :(. However I saw my doctor and he suggested waiting with an actual treatment because over time the pain goes away if the curvature doesn't get worse. I was frustrated because after 1 month I still had the curvature ( my penis had a completely straight shape before the injury) and of course it became even worse. I went from a straight erection to a 20 degree curved erection :/ I eventually did some online digging and stumbled upon this website that sells penis extenders for penis enlargement and peyronie's treatment. I had nothing to lose so I bought one of the extenders and I must say after 4 months I already got to see some results. My penis increased half an inch and my curvature is almost completely gone. since this improvement I also have stronger erections :D
anyone who also tried/ uses a penis extender? Please let me know what your experience was.
I can really recommend it!
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