PCT Protocol

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Greetings All,

I have made a decision to come off TRT after 17 months. I would prefer not to get into the long explanation of why as it would take me a week of writing. However, I would really appreciate any feedback on my PCT.
Current TRT Protocol - 80 mg Testosterone (EOD injections) and 500iu HCG once per week throughout entire 17 months.

Current plan for PCT - 500iu HCG EOD for 6 weeks then 12.5 mg Enclomiphene for 6 weeks after HCG phase.

Questions -
1. Is this an acceptable PCT plan for the dosage I am currently at?
2. I am sensitive to E2 changes. Will either of these phases cause any E2 spikes? My last blood work at 100mg per week was in January 2022 and my E2 (I am a 48 year old) showed an E2 of 45.1 just above high normal. I have not had bloodwork at 80 mg per week but I suspect my E2 has dropped into normal range.

I appreciate any feedback, suggestions, comments, etc.
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
It sounds like your protocol for coming off TRT is good. I would stick with it and hopefully it works. I wish you the best of luck.
My humble data point with very simple protocol:
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