Oxandrolone and Nandrolone (common availability)

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Hi all,

When I started reading about TRT back in the mid 2000's I was in my 20's, college and inexperienced but always read on the forums that no doc will give a young man test even if he is in the 200-400 range. It was rare and like gold to get help. This is what I read countless times, can't 100% confirm but it was plastered all over the net.

I didn't pay attention to the prescription side of the house because of the negative/taboo view on testosterone for the last 15 yrs as it was mostly UGL use with me as it was much easier to obtain. God only knows what was in the bottles and I wish I hadn't done that, I don't suggest any of you take the risk.

It's now 2021 and I'm reading LLCs everywhere offering prescription Oxandrolone and Nandrolone! It's all over Youtube, showing comericals of oiled up bodies, buff and tan, all cheesy NJ shore haha. I'm a Jersey shore guy myself, takes one to know one.

Did something happen, has a law changed, did prescribing protocols loosen up? We went from docs not knowing anything about test and giving 100mg every 2 weeks and being hesitant to help to this. What changed?

I totally get the Testosterone part, glad they are learning about SubQ and twice per week injections for stable blood. The Nandrolone scares me a bit long term. I'm on it for joint pain and of course hoping it will help my appearance. But what will it do to me being on for a decade? 100mg of Deca of 10 yrs, I haven't found much on it. And how in the world do "they" get away with prescribing an oral? Atleast Nandrolone is found in trace amounts so it's technically replacement therapy right? Oxandrolones original clinical use is not HRT related, I don't get it.

Not complaining, it's like Chritmas if you have the cash. Hopefully this isn't a fly by night thing and the docs get shut down eventually.
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
This is America bro. 550 test levels are now the cause of all your problems. It's your genetics fault that you don't look like Arnold even though you don't work out or eat right. That tired feeling you have all day, its not your fault you binged watched Breaking Bad all night! Can't get it up for the old lady that hates you, check your T levels. If they're fine, look at thyroid. Whatever you do, don't blame yourself.
Haha it's so true, you know how many fat people have asked me "what should I take to lose 10 lbs". What should you take? Love it.

I guess as long as their getting their money, how is the Govt profiting though. All these cash only docs, I wonder if they are paying all their taxes. Interesting times we live in, I'm a happy dude.
So funny, that's exactly it. Thinking Anavar burns fat, my wife asked me to get it about 5 yrs ago and she doesn't know any AAS name or what they are. I was dying, like where did you learn that? She's all super straight edge.

Her girlfriends all take it for "weight loss". Just random mom's, church, soccer, kids, normal job, freaking take anavar. Always thought that was funny and you know what, they didn't look good at all.
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Yes I did notice they are in FL. Very good point, just like where the opiod pill mills used to originate.

FL is very shady.

Haha he was looking for those real gains, Gainesville, FL. If I had a shady HRT clinic that's where my HQ would be. It would be like the bad guys in the movie Dodgeball. Some of those HRT commercials remind me of that movie.
Want to lose weight? High end answer is bathe in HGH, mid range answer is eat Anavar like candy, low range is slap a mask on your chubby face.

Truth? Nah, it's too hard.

I think the quick and easy solution for everything is just put anywhere from 1-3 mask on depending on the severity of the issue.

For God sake don't take C, D, Zinc, Melatonin, A baby aspirin, Eat healthy and get 8-10k steps a day...
You had me cracking up man.

Everyone I work with (Swiss bank in Nashville- on a specialized team) we get all business majors, MBA, even Phd's in their 20's data scientists.

People who have common sense plus some. I mean if you can hang through super hard courses and learn semi-complex topics, why can't you figure this out.

These people go out to eat 5-6 times per week, easily. Drinks on weekends too, constantly drinking. 1000-2000 calories meals and all those IPA's. Going out for source of entertainment, all these young skinny fat people in my office. 1000's of young people, prob consuming 2-4k calories over their maintenance, daily, for yrs. Sat night comes and I get drinks texts, hey bro what do I need take to look like this?

Seems that most "young professionals" don't have the willpower to stict to a diet throughout the yr. I've been trying to help friends and coworkers for yrs but no one will put the food and beer down, they can't do it.
Funny thing is I was about to post a thread about how i added Nandrolone to my protocol and I really like it. Lowered my T dose considerably though.
You had me cracking up man.

Everyone I work with (Swiss bank in Nashville- on a specialized team) we get all business majors, MBA, even Phd's in their 20's data scientists.

People who have common sense plus some. I mean if you can hang through super hard courses and learn semi-complex topics, why can't you figure this out.

These people go out to eat 5-6 times per week, easily. Drinks on weekends too, constantly drinking. 1000-2000 calories meals and all those IPA's. Going out for source of entertainment, all these young skinny fat people in my office. 1000's of young people, prob consuming 2-4k calories over their maintenance, daily, for yrs. Sat night comes and I get drinks texts, hey bro what do I need take to look like this?

Seems that most "young professionals" don't have the willpower to stict to a diet throughout the yr. I've been trying to help friends and coworkers for yrs but no one will put the food and beer down, they can't do it.
I have the same exact experience. One co-worker I had would talk about fitness all the time with me. I actually cooked double food and brought it to work and she would buy it from me. Spent hours talking about dieting and training and I eventually realized this lady just ain't gonna do it and I got tired of the BS conversation. She was just trying to get laid, which she succeeded at. But you get the point.
The majority of people are just not smart. Degrees have little to do with intelligence in my opinion. I have met and know some very educated idiots. Also, people lack discipline and willpower. We are in a culture of laziness and content with mediocrity.

I have people ask me the same things and when they realize it isn't a quick fix, a pill, or something easy they lose interest. It is much easier to blame their genetics, thyroid, Trump, Biden, or whoever it is or whatever they choose to blame. People don't hold themselves accountable for anything. I try to teach my kids and employees that it is ALWAYS your fault. Mistakes are how we improve. If you fail at something, find out why and fix it.

I think with Covid as a country we missed an opportunity to get healthier. Instead of telling me to wash my hands after I take a dump and to wear a mask, how about talking to me about the vitamins and supplements I need to take, how many steps a day, the impact of obesity, and Covid, healthier eating habits.

Science just absolutely does not support what we are doing. And the things that do help we aren't even talking about. I am speaking from first-hand knowledge as well. Covid made its visit to our home and we were prepared...
Funny thing is I was about to post a thread about how i added Nandrolone to my protocol and I really like it. Lowered my T dose considerably though.
Oh yea, how much are you taking? I just double checked mine. I'm on 200 test and 80 nandrone per week. I just started with this new doc. Not sure where that will put me though, may be some room to increase depending on my 1st bloods which are in 2 weeks. It's my first time with prescription Deca.
I have the same exact experience. One co-worker I had would talk about fitness all the time with me. I actually cooked double food and brought it to work and she would buy it from me. Spent hours talking about dieting and training and I eventually realized this lady just ain't gonna do it and I got tired of the BS conversation. She was just trying to get laid, which she succeeded at. But you get the point.

That's a funny story dude, yep I get it.
The majority of people are just not smart. Degrees have little to do with intelligence in my opinion. I have met and know some very educated idiots. Also, people lack discipline and willpower. We are in a culture of laziness and content with mediocrity.

I have people ask me the same things and when they realize it isn't a quick fix, a pill, or something easy they lose interest. It is much easier to blame their genetics, thyroid, Trump, Biden, or whoever it is or whatever they choose to blame. People don't hold themselves accountable for anything. I try to teach my kids and employees that it is ALWAYS your fault. Mistakes are how we improve. If you fail at something, find out why and fix it.

I think with Covid as a country we missed an opportunity to get healthier. Instead of telling me to wash my hands after I take a dump and to wear a mask, how about talking to me about the vitamins and supplements I need to take, how many steps a day, the impact of obesity, and Covid, healthier eating habits.

Science just absolutely does not support what we are doing. And the things that do help we aren't even talking about. I am speaking from first-hand knowledge as well. Covid made its visit to our home and we were prepared...
That's a great summary, I'm not always good at getting to the point but your exactly right. And yea I guess. I agree about school, I was lazy throughout my MBA and got straight A's. They kind of give degrees away these days, it's all about the money.
Oh yea, how much are you taking? I just double checked mine. I'm on 200 test and 80 nandrone per week. I just started with this new doc. Not sure where that will put me though, may be some room to increase depending on my 1st bloods which are in 2 weeks. It's my first time with prescription Deca.
Im taking 100mg ND and I dropped my Test dose from 160mg to 100mg. I feel really good so far.

I've tried Nandrolone before about a year ago. My test dose was at 180mg and ND was at 100. I felt considerably worse. Anxiety, emotional, angry. Markedly different than I do now. I never even felt good on "high test" on its own. Too amped up and dick wont work. I've noticed that my interactions at work and life in general are much better on the lower dosage. I really like having that anabolic edge in the gym with out the tweaked out feeling Test gives me. I love it so far and I hope my bloodwork stays good so I can continue.
Im taking 100mg ND and I dropped my Test dose from 160mg to 100mg. I feel really good so far.

I've tried Nandrolone before about a year ago. My test dose was at 180mg and ND was at 100. I felt considerably worse. Anxiety, emotional, angry. Markedly different than I do now. I never even felt good on "high test" on its own. Too amped up and dick wont work. I've noticed that my interactions at work and life in general are much better on the lower dosage. I really like having that anabolic edge in the gym with out the tweaked out feeling Test gives me. I love it so far and I hope my bloodwork stays good so I can continue.
Good stuff man, hope it works out for ya! For some reason I'm immune to test, even at 1 gram for 16-20 weeks the only thing that happened is my weight reached 270 but I felt great. Sex drive was too much, a little annoying, couldnt stop chasing my wife but test only makes me very calm and "nice". Terribly danergous, the stupid stuff I did to try to look like my idols man.

19-nor compounds makes we a little weird though, even this 80mg of Nandrolone is messing with me a little. It's funny how we're all so different.
Im taking 100mg ND and I dropped my Test dose from 160mg to 100mg. I feel really good so far.

I've tried Nandrolone before about a year ago. My test dose was at 180mg and ND was at 100. I felt considerably worse. Anxiety, emotional, angry. Markedly different than I do now. I never even felt good on "high test" on its own. Too amped up and dick wont work. I've noticed that my interactions at work and life in general are much better on the lower dosage. I really like having that anabolic edge in the gym with out the tweaked out feeling Test gives me. I love it so far and I hope my bloodwork stays good so I can continue.
So the whole time u’ve been on the 100mg of nandrolone have u been on the 100mg of test? Or u just dropped down to 100mg of test recently?
Dropped to the 100mg of test recently and added the 100mg Nandrolone at the same time about a month ago. Level headed. Calm. Kind. But getting jacked in the gym. Sense of humor in tact. Basically feel like myself except a little better

I've also tried the following combos in the past:
180mg Test + 100mg ND. Hated it. Got swole but jealous, angry, emotional, not level headed. Can't sleep. Sexual function no good

100mg test standalone (with and without hCG): Didn't like it. Basically no benefits of injecting test. Didn't hate it but basically pointless.

180mg - 200mg Test. Don't like it. On edge, Cant sleep. sexual function no good.
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Good stuff man, hope it works out for ya! For some reason I'm immune to test, even at 1 gram for 16-20 weeks the only thing that happened is my weight reached 270 but I felt great. Sex drive was too much, a little annoying, couldnt stop chasing my wife but test only makes me very calm and "nice". Terribly danergous, the stupid stuff I did to try to look like my idols man.

19-nor compounds makes we a little weird though, even this 80mg of Nandrolone is messing with me a little. It's funny how we're all so different.
Yeah man. Some love that high Test feeling and I wish I was one of them. I feel like how DBossa acts, if that makes sense. I really can't stand it. I'm kinda jealous of you. When I added that ND made it 3 times worse.

Plan is to take enough T to fulfill basic physiological functions and cap it off with ND to become closer to my idols like you mentioned. ND with the low dose test seems to be mentally benign so far.
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