Nizoral 1%/2%: How many times per week?

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What are the guidelines regarding how many times per week to shampoo with Nizoral and
is there any difference in recommendations for the 1% and 2% versions?
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
2% is a script, right? I'm having a bad time, with some resolution, but I'm using a mix of products...tea tree oil, sal acid 2%, Benz Peroxide 10%, Nizoral back is breaking out fairly bad, I'm getting my traps and delts some what under control, but I haven't found one that WORKS yet. My DHT is 45% of max according to Quest so I'm a little puzzled why my skin is going nuts.
2% is a script, right? I'm having a bad time, with some resolution, but I'm using a mix of products...tea tree oil, sal acid 2%, Benz Peroxide 10%, Nizoral back is breaking out fairly bad, I'm getting my traps and delts some what under control, but I haven't found one that WORKS yet. My DHT is 45% of max according to Quest so I'm a little puzzled why my skin is going nuts.

I have upper arm and shoulder issues. Nizoral is the only thing I have found that works. I am adding benz peroxide this week, however.
Vince and Coast, do you mean that you use Nizoral shampoo on your whole body to control acne? I was just talking about shampoo for the head. Are doctors recommending it to control acne?
2% is a script, right? I'm having a bad time, with some resolution, but I'm using a mix of products...tea tree oil, sal acid 2%, Benz Peroxide 10%, Nizoral back is breaking out fairly bad, I'm getting my traps and delts some what under control, but I haven't found one that WORKS yet. My DHT is 45% of max according to Quest so I'm a little puzzled why my skin is going nuts.

Using these products twice a day I'm pretty clear now in all my trouble spots, i was worried about some of these aggressive products being WORSE for my skin using them twice per day but that's what it took. I'm doing very good now and I rotate around the products from day to day...twice daily was key.
Lin the US the 2 percent is available by prescription.

I bought the Defy Solution and use it daily. I also use Nizoral 3X per week. I still have some hyped up caffeine shampoo I use on the in-between days. I also tried Wen for Men (QVC) and I think it helped but since trying the Defy I feel a noticeably thicker/curlier mane. I don't think it's going to fill in the empty spots but it sort of gives that front look of having a head of hair. I doubt it totally covers up the spot on the top/back of the head.

[h=4]Level 3- For noticeable hair loss[/b]Minoxidil 5%/Ketoconazole 2%/Spironolactone 2%/Azelaic Acid 12.5%
I bought the Defy Solution and use it daily. I also use Nizoral 3X per week. I still have some hyped up caffeine shampoo I use on the in-between days. I also tried Wen for Men (QVC) and I think it helped but since trying the Defy I feel a noticeably thicker/curlier mane. I don't think it's going to fill in the empty spots but it sort of gives that front look of having a head of hair. I doubt it totally covers up the spot on the top/back of the head.

Level 3- For noticeable hair loss

Minoxidil 5%/Ketoconazole 2%/Spironolactone 2%/Azelaic Acid 12.5%

Is this in a foam (like Rogaine Foam). I feel that is so much easier to apply... Also have you tried the Lanthrapost solution they have?
Is this in a foam (like Rogaine Foam). I feel that is so much easier to apply... Also have you tried the Lanthrapost solution they have?

No I have not tried that.

This is not a foam so it's a little tricky to apply. How I've been doing it is pumping the liquid in my hand and quickly transferring it to my head and of course rub it in real good. I find myself hoping it's getting to the scalp and not just stuck to the hair but maybe it doesn't matter?
Im using Niz 1% twice per day with some 10% BP or 2% Sal Acid EOD. I'm doing better at washing sheets, towels, and washclothes and loofas every 3 days, not wearing the same shirts, especially gym shirts, more than once. I had to examine EVERYTHING I was doing as I'm using enough products, diligently, for my acne but still having problems.
I've recently started using Nizoral 1% on my hair and on my shoulders, chest, and back for acne. I'm using it every other day and leaving it on for 5 minutes before rinsing off. Is this what I should be doing? Is it ok to use daily? How long should I leave it on before rinsing off?
I've recently started using Nizoral 1% on my hair and on my shoulders, chest, and back for acne. I'm using it every other day and leaving it on for 5 minutes before rinsing off. Is this what I should be doing? Is it ok to use daily? How long should I leave it on before rinsing off?

5 minutes is good... If you are using for your hair daily and don't dry out you are fine... If your scalp gets too dry drop down to 3-4 times a week....
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