NAD, Hype Or Miracle Molecule?

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What is the endpoint you are looking for?

A good Q, and that's just it: what are the measurable endpoints demonstrating actual benefits? That remains unclear. Majority of the data is under the low tissue levels of NAD+ are associated with X bad things so raising NAD+ levels back to that of younger people will prevent bad things/teat bad things type. Preliminary data on animals looked promising, small low powered limited human studies showed some promise. A whole lot more data is needed. On paper holds real promise, but data no where near what's needed to demonstrate that.
That sounds very abstract to me. I take many pills and none without a specific endpoint. I will wait until human-related endpoints are defined. Longevity is an impossible endpoint to measure for an n=1
That sounds very abstract to me. I take many pills and none without a specific endpoint. I will wait until human-related endpoints are defined. Longevity is an impossible endpoint to measure for an n=1

Covered somewhat in my article. There may be new data since I wrote it, not sure. Due mostly to cost combined with lack of useful human data, I don't use NR myself currently.
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