My post got deleted. Did I do something wrong?

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Hi. @Nelson Vergel My post today got deleted. Don’t really care it was just guru gossip. But just curious if I did something wrong or violated some new rule? Just so I can be sure not to cross any lines going forward. Like this place and don’t want to have my account banned or anything.
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Some time ago I asked Nelson to close my account. It never happened.

Lately there has been concern some of my poor humor / flaming on the hot mess with FDA, etc. has been detrimental to this site. There was some suggestion my posts were discriminatory or conspiratorial (as if the later is a perjorative term - wink wink; Science pleads for skepticism). I was warned with ban threat. I don't want to bring any negative attention to the site and asked for the account to be closed soon after the ban warning. Nelson obliged. I can't roll with post / thread deletions on serious members. I no longer have access to readalot/tareload account so my apologies to any tags/PMs that aren't responded to. Hope this explains it.

Best wishes to you all and thank you for this site. I learned alot and hope you all find what you are looking for. Thank you Nelson for all you do.

Take care,
readalot/tareload/loadtear/etc. etc. LOL.

Officially now banned at TNation and ExcelMale
On a Roll
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Some time ago I asked Nelson to close my account. It never happened.

Lately there has been concern some of my poor humor / flaming on the hot mess with FDA, etc. has been detrimental to this site. There was some suggestion my posts were discriminatory or conspiratorial (like that is a perjorative term - wink wink). I was warned with ban threat. I don't want to bring any negative attention to the site and asked for the account to be closed soon after the ban warning. Nelson obliged. I can't roll with post deletions on serious members. I no longer have access to readalot/tareload account so my apologies to any tags/PMs that aren't responded to. Hope this explains it.

Best wishes to you all and thank you for this site. I learned alot and hope you all find what you are looking for. Thank you Nelson for all you do. I still tell all that I can about

Take care,
readalot/tareload/loadtear/etc. etc. LOL.

Officially now banned at TNation and ExcelMale
On a Roll
To nelson's point, I just randomly posted some Guru gossip to a thread that was derailing. While I disagree a little with deleting the post, it's Nelson's house and we play by his rules and I am 100% ok with that. I also completely understand and respect your decision to move on.

Regardless, I am very sorry to hear that you are leaving. You are one of the highlight posters for me on this board. Knowing you wont be here will unquestionably make me visit less often.

Please take some time, unwind, go spend some time on the beach with Danny Bossa in Costa Rica :) And please continue to lend your knowledge to this board. We can even create a thread just for guru gossip!
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Some time ago I asked Nelson to close my account. It never happened.

Lately there has been concern some of my poor humor / flaming on the hot mess with FDA, etc. has been detrimental to this site. There was some suggestion my posts were discriminatory or conspiratorial (like that is a perjorative term - wink wink). I was warned with ban threat. I don't want to bring any negative attention to the site and asked for the account to be closed soon after the ban warning. Nelson obliged. I can't roll with post deletions on serious members. I no longer have access to readalot/tareload account so my apologies to any tags/PMs that aren't responded to. Hope this explains it.

Best wishes to you all and thank you for this site. I learned alot and hope you all find what you are looking for. Thank you Nelson for all you do. I still tell all that I can about

Take care,
readalot/tareload/loadtear/etc. etc. LOL.

Officially now banned at TNation and ExcelMale
On a Roll
This is so disappointing to hear. How did we come to this point where such a prolific poster of hugely valuable content is leaving the forum? What a loss for all of us.

There isn't a frowny face emoji big enough.
I've never seen a "discriminatory or conspiratorial" posts by Readalot ???

I understand that there is always a government push for censorship, however if you are not dependent financially on brainwashed advertises, the reasonable thing is to say emphatically NO! to them, as Rumble did recently when the UK government asked it to demonetize Russel Brand.

I hope this forum will remain a place for medical discussion free of medical propaganda and censorship, not another Facebook or Youtube.

I also had a whole thread deleted in the past - it was about nebulizing Hydrogen Peroxide for upper respiratory tract infections. While I understand completely why the thread was deleted, I do not think this serves the people coming to this forum well. I am currently using that treatment, after several antibiotic courses prescribed by my doctor failed. So suppressing potentially helpful information, even if it's outside the current medical understanding is not what this forum should be about...
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IIRC, Nelson Virgil wasn’t directing that specifically at readalot, from my understanding it was a general comment/warning directed at everyone.

Afterwords, via exchanges between the two parties, I thought things came to an understanding, clearly I was wrong.
Some time ago I asked Nelson to close my account. It never happened.

Lately there has been concern some of my poor humor / flaming on the hot mess with FDA, etc. has been detrimental to this site. There was some suggestion my posts were discriminatory or conspiratorial (as if the later is a perjorative term - wink wink; Science pleads for skepticism). I was warned with ban threat. I don't want to bring any negative attention to the site and asked for the account to be closed soon after the ban warning. Nelson obliged. I can't roll with post / thread deletions on serious members. I no longer have access to readalot/tareload account so my apologies to any tags/PMs that aren't responded to. Hope this explains it.

Best wishes to you all and thank you for this site. I learned alot and hope you all find what you are looking for. Thank you Nelson for all you do. I still tell all that I can about

Take care,
readalot/tareload/loadtear/etc. etc. LOL.

Officially now banned at TNation and ExcelMale
On a Roll
I wondered where you were. I don't know what the terms of your separation are, but if they are not binding that you are not allowed to post here anymore, then get over it little cowboy. Get back in the saddle and continue moving the herd.

Take what happened as a course correction and learn from it. We all go off the rails from time to time. Just try not to do it in writing...;)
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Get back in the saddle and continue moving the herd.

Take what happened as a course correction and learn from it.
Course correction? Nah I will pass. But for you I will post this last one. I swear I thought it was an Onion article spoof when I first saw it...

Level playing field in the military? No cheating? Anabolic steroids so dangerous that soldiers can't use them? Perhaps the military wants to make sure the only PEDs the operators get come from them (hopefully from Empower or similar Rx grade)?

I gladly retire from the forums.

And yes I respect that this is Nelson's house so gladly I desist as per his wishes. Health and gainz for all!!
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Course correction? Nah I will pass. But for you I will post this last one. I swear I thought it was an Onion article spoof when I first saw it...

Level playing field in the military? No cheating? Anabolic steroids so dangerous that soldiers can't use them? Perhaps the military wants to make sure the only PEDs the operators get come from them (hopefully from Empower or similar Rx grate)?

I gladly retire from the forums.

And yes I respect that this is Nelson's house so gladly I desist as per his wishes.
Well... Okay cowboy, ride off into the sunset if that is your wish amigo. I for one will miss your intelligence and your tongue in cheek humor. Remember not to squat on cactus out there...

Happy trails.
Well... Okay cowboy, ride off into the sunset if that is your wish amigo. I for one will miss your intelligence and your tongue in cheek humor. Remember not to squat on cactus out there...

Happy trails.

Thanks and Godspeed!
Sad to see such a wealth of knowledge go to waste. I've always enjoyed Readalot's posts no matter what profile he was using. But, if I was on my 3rd profile, I'd leave too. Maybe I've missed the offending posts?? I dunno. I have no idea how many folks get shown the door, but I feel like Readalot is a big loss!
Holy crap, I go away for a few says and missed all of this? WTF??? Readalot/tareload/loadtear/etc. etc. just take some time off and don't let this get to you. I always look forward to reading your post and feel you are an important part of this board.

Hey, @BadassBlues been intending to ask you, do you remember Wise Guy. I wonder where went after Crisler's board shut down. We talked frequently on Dat's old board and traded a lot of secrets.
Holy crap, I go away for a few says and missed all of this? WTF??? Readalot/tareload/loadtear/etc. etc. just take some time off and don't let this get to you. I always look forward to reading your post and feel you are an important part of this board.

Hey, @BadassBlues do you remember Wise Guy. I wonder where went after Crisler's board shut down.
I do remember him. I have no idea where he has gone. Some of the old group landed here, but don't seem to be active anymore. Bulldog was a mod and he is here, along with BJE and others. They may know his whereabouts.

Dat's moderator started another forum after the shutdown over there, I don't recall the name however.
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