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I just got my Lab Work done and here are the results of my testostrone

I had a metabolic / lipid / testostrone/ HIV 1

Total 371 (250 - 1100)
Free 54.7 (35 - 155)
estrogen n/a
ALB 4.5 (4 - 5)
Protien 6.5
Creatinine 1.0
TBili .06
AST 27
ALT 24
ALP 58
NA 139
K 4.5

CHOL 161
HDL 38
LDL 106

HIV RNA less that 20 ( and has been for the past 10 years )

**** not sure what all you need but I dont have all the tests that you requested below

RE: current meds Isentress 2x day / Stauvine 2X day / Viread 1x
ritalin 20 mg day / celexa 40 mg day / some blood pressure crap 50 mg day /

I am 51 years old, 210 lbs, and HIV+

I would be interested in hearing your opinions


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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Hi Stewart - First, can you add ranges to the labs above my using the edit button?

Also, for anyone here to make any kind of assessment we would need to see much more than just Total and Free Testosterone as it doesn't tell us much other than you may be low or hypogonadal.

Did you get Estrogen, SHBG, Albumin, Cortisol, TSH, FT4, FT3, LH/FSH, PSA...or more?

These will give us a better picture of your overall health of your androgen pathway.

Need to know more about you, your life style, meds...things like that.

Also, as you probably know, Nelson is HIV+ and will tell you that he would need these labs at a minimum to help you.

Good to have you on the forum!!!
Not much that I can add that Gene didn't already touch on ... If you can get it all put together, we can provide you with the feedback.
Why are you taking the most toxic HIV drug (stavudine) in history? It has been banned for use in the United States. It depletes your mitochondria causing neuropathy, fatigue, buttock and facial wasting, and causes other metabolic disorders. I was an activist to get it removed from US guidelines: http://www.thebody.com/content/art13426.html

If you have a genotype test that allow you to switch to another drug, I would do it. I would not be surprised that you would feel better and even have your testosterone go up.

What blood pressure medication are you taking? Diuretics and calcium channel inhibitors may make you tired. ACE, SRB's or last generation beta blockers like Bystolic are better for energy and erectile function.
That is the drug I have been on for 6-7 years. Do you have any suggestions to an alternative that I can talk to my doctor about. I have taken d4t, and 3tc. is there an alternative to these drugs.???? I didnt realize it is so harmful to my body. Maybe that is why I am so exhausted all the time, and maybe depressed.

The blood pressure medicine is Lossartan Potassium 50mg 1x daily.

I see my infectious disease doctor in a week. If at all possible can you provide me with an alternative to the stavudine???

I appreicate your comments and help
Nelson. I am seeing my Dr. next week. Do you have an alternative drug to the Stavudine that I can ask the Dr about. I was on Epivir, but this is one of the few drugs that I have grown resistant to. I would like to sound intelligent so if you can help me with a different drug I would appreciate it.
Depending on your genotype results, you may want to talk to your doctor to Viread + Isentress + unboosted Reyataz at 300 mg bid (no Norvir)

Show him/her the article I sent you above. You are probably the only person I know who is still taking this dreadful drug in the United States.
Thank you. Could the stavudine be causing/maintaining the "buffalo" hump on the back of my neck. I hate this thing. However it does give me a cushion for the bar when I do squats ... lol
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