I need help with lack of mental clarity

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Hey guys, so currently I’m on 120 mg of testosterone per week and I am dealing with something I would describe as “brain fog.” What I mean by this is that I can’t think clearly, I feel somewhat detached from the world, and I just don’t feel like myself. At first I thought it was depression (which I am also dealing with but improving). But I noticed that the brain fog didn’t come until months into my depression. This was also in the midst of taking TRT. So one week, I forgot to take my weekly testosterone shot, and what I noticed was though I was a little sluggish that week, each day I became a little more clear-headed. And then the next week I took the shot, Boom! The brain fog came right back within hours. My question is, what do you guys think could be causing this? Quitting TRT seems lke the logical thing to do but if I do that, my testosterone levels will be extremely low again. I’m just wondering what hormones get out of whack and make me feel this way? Any insight on this could be lifechanging because I’ve been going through a living hell for months and I need something to change. Thanks. Here are some of my labs (my testosterone last checked was in the 600-700 range.

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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
You're injecting weekly, one shot a week? Have you considered splitting your dose and injecting every 3.5 days? You mentioned depression, what are you taking it? Has your doctor discussed your thyroid levels?
Stopping TRT is only going to make it far worse. Instead, get your thyroid levels looked over and consider splitting your T dose into twice weekly injections.
You're injecting weekly, one shot a week? Have you considered splitting your dose and injecting every 3.5 days? You mentioned depression, what are you taking it? Has your doctor discussed your thyroid levels?

I did this before, only meant constant brain fog all week. When I inject once a week, the first few days I am extremely foggy and the last few days I'm more clear headed
Stopping TRT is only going to make it far worse. Instead, get your thyroid levels looked over and consider splitting your T dose into twice weekly injections.

I did this before, only meant constant brain fog all week. When I inject once a week, the first few days I am extremely foggy and the last few days I'm more clear headed
It sounds like depersonalization, I would wonder if your T levels are too low? Have you ever tried a higher dose of testosterone, I also agree you should inject every three and a half days.
The way he describes the fog more pronounced from 0-~72hrs injection time, seems an obvious E2 spike and he feels better later in the week, as the e2 rebounds downward. 120mg 1x per week is FAR to much to be shooting at one-time.
It sounds like depersonalization, I would wonder if your T levels are too low? Have you ever tried a higher dose of testosterone, I also agree you should inject every three and a half days.

No theyre not, and yes depersonalization is exactly what it is, my test level monday was 658
The way he describes the fog more pronounced from 0-~72hrs injection time, seems an obvious E2 spike and he feels better later in the week, as the e2 rebounds downward. 120mg 1x per week is FAR to much to be shooting at one-time.

Ive tried everything, 2x a week, 3x a week, 1x a week. I have fog no matter what, the less inject the more intense it is, but then drops off. If I inject more often, I have the fog constantly. It's a loss-loss
I agree with Vince Carter that you're getting a spike in estradiol immediately after your injection. There will be people on this site who say you can't feel those symptoms that quickly, but I know from experience while taking one large injection per week that I can feel the estradiol symptoms within a few hours. I would feel like crap days 1 through 3 and then better as the week went on. Prior to my shot, I felt my best. I found that a small dose of Arimidex like 1/4 milligram per week is a necessary evil. That's a powerful drug so be careful, and many on this site are not pro Arimidex, but for a guy like you I'd consider giving it a shot. Good luck. E2 spikes are the worst part of TRT IMO.
I read that you've tried a couple different protocols and can't seem to find the one that makes you happy. Maybe speak with your doctor about doing only 60mg 2 X per week with 1/4 mg of AI with ghe shot. Give it 5 weeks and see how you feel and labs. Emphasis on how you feel!
hCG was for me extremely effective at improving cognition and mood. Supplementing with L-acytyl carnitine, B vitamins (no folic acid) and others helped even more. I would try those before low dose anastrozole along with better nutrition, looking at possible allergies and ensuring that you are sleeping well (get tested for apnea ). If you do try the a-zol first and do not get results within a week I'd consider discontinuing it right away. Make sure you don't crash your E2.
Try taking your testosterone split twice a week. This will give you more stable blood levels and may lower aromatisation of the testosterone. Your thyroid hormones are very low. Doctor's won't catch it because your TSH is "optimal". TSH is only a messenger hormone from the pituitary that tells the thyroid to make more hormone(t4 and t3)

Imagine if your doctor skipped over your testosterone results and treated your hypogonadism by going with your LH results. This is basically the way most doctors handle thyroid issues/diagnoses. Sometimes, TSH does not match serum levels of T3/T4.

You can look into Hcg, but i would try one thing at a time. Too many variables at once and you won't know what is helping or hindering your progress.
Ive tried everything, 2x a week, 3x a week, 1x a week. I have fog no matter what, the less inject the more intense it is, but then drops off. If I inject more often, I have the fog constantly. It's a loss-loss

JamesElder your hematocrit is on the high end - 49.9 (36.0-50.0). Testosterone causes a spike in hematocrit levels. Could be causing your hematocrit to spike first 3 days causing bran fog and lethargy. Will take someone with more knowledge than me but, I would at least donate blood to get your hemo down and see if that makes a difference.

Maybe the pros can jump in here.
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