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I've been on 100/MG weekly for almost 3 months. The most recent blood work came back and showed the following:

MOST RECENT 12/9/2016

RBC's: 6.40

PRIOR TO TRT:09/15/2016

RBC'S: 5.69

I started TRT because i was having crippling panic attacks, anxiety and phobias that just appeared out of nowhere. Combined with CBT i have certainly noticed a positive benefit. I am able to face fears head on now rather than continually avoid them. SO I am happy about that, however these numbers have recently given me an uneasy feeling and have made me come to a conclusion that maybe i should stop TRT.

My PCP recently said to Donate Blood, Take baby asprin daily and fish oil. He also reduced my weekly injection to 75/mg. I donated blood a few days ago, started fish oil, but hesitating on daily asprin, because I have erosive esophagitis and im afraid of GI bleeding. He said not to worry about that. :confused: I would hate to lose the benefits and rewards im gaining from the TRT and the increase in confidence. But I'm also afraid of stroke or heart attack. I was supposed to get my weekly injection and am 1 day late because im not sure if is should stop. Please shed some light and your opinions. Thanks!
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Totally normal sides, Hematocrit and Hemoglobin, very easily dealt with. You've gotten great advice from your Dr, advice I would echo. Aspirin @ 81mg is tiny dose, be sure to get the coated variety...easier on the stomach.
These are all things that I do/use...you're fine.
I've been on 100/MG weekly for almost 3 months. The most recent blood work came back and showed the following:

MOST RECENT 12/9/2016

RBC's: 6.40

PRIOR TO TRT:09/15/2016

RBC'S: 5.69

I started TRT because i was having crippling panic attacks, anxiety and phobias that just appeared out of nowhere. Combined with CBT i have certainly noticed a positive benefit. I am able to face fears head on now rather than continually avoid them. SO I am happy about that, however these numbers have recently given me an uneasy feeling and have made me come to a conclusion that maybe i should stop TRT.

My PCP recently said to Donate Blood, Take baby asprin daily and fish oil. He also reduced my weekly injection to 75/mg. I donated blood a few days ago, started fish oil, but hesitating on daily asprin, because I have erosive esophagitis and im afraid of GI bleeding. He said not to worry about that. :confused: I would hate to lose the benefits and rewards im gaining from the TRT and the increase in confidence. But I'm also afraid of stroke or heart attack. I was supposed to get my weekly injection and am 1 day late because im not sure if is should stop. Please shed some light and your opinions. Thanks!

It would help if you added the reference ranges and the rest of the results.

Also when did you have these drawn relative to injection?

Donating blood is an excellent way to combat high HCT. Sounds like your primary knows what he's doing with TRT on that part.

Your E2 is high, how high depends on the E2 test that was used.

Your aromatization rate prior to TRT was really high, so you'll probably need an AI, unless you're low SHBG then splitting injections would probably help more, although it can still help even if you're not.

I wouldn't stop TRT over literally the most common side effect. Although 75mg per week is rather low.
We're glad you joined us here at Excelmale. You seem to be one of the few men who has a primary care physician who has a sound understanding of how to manage patients on a TRT protocol. You're very fortunate.

Don't let the psychological issues you've tamed get the better of you now that a very common side effect has presented itself. Donate blood. Take the aspirin. Follow your schedule in regard to your injection protocol.

You you should consider devoting some attention to the estradiol level you presented.
Probably 95% of us here donate blood regularly for this reason. Its expected, and as a bonus you are helping someone in need. Just find your nearest Red Cross.

I just added a copy of my results, Also, if this helps im 30, 5,5 and weigh about 207 about 22% bodyfat. Thanks for your feedback @johndoesmith, @CoastWatcher, very well said, I tend to do that a lot but you are right, I remember 2-3 years ago i quit cold turkey for similar reasons and went through this bout of depression for a few months. Thanks for reminding me and saying it like it is.

As far as the Estradiol, he has prescribed anastrazole, 1mg weekly. I havent taken that as well, Should I take the pill all at once?

It would help if you added the reference ranges and the rest of the results.

Also when did you have these drawn relative to injection?

Donating blood is an excellent way to combat high HCT. Sounds like your primary knows what he's doing with TRT on that part.

Your E2 is high, how high depends on the E2 test that was used.

Your aromatization rate prior to TRT was really high, so you'll probably need an AI, unless you're low SHBG then splitting injections would probably help more, although it can still help even if you're not.

I wouldn't stop TRT over literally the most common side effect. Although 75mg per week is rather low.


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1mg is a heavy dose, not advisable. step one should be getting the correct estradiol test, you didn't have it above. The test you need is ultrasensitive Estradiol with the LC/MS/MS method. This test is for males. Any other is for females and just not useful. Your E is likely LESS than 69.7, probably closer to 55 on the sensitive test.
If you do feel based on negative symptoms of high E, you should only take .25mg once per week and give that 4 weeks and then get the correct test before going any further with an AI.
I just finished injecting .75 i'll see about lowering it next week. Im going to an endo on Tuesday and i'll def bring this up. Thanks for your help

1mg is a heavy dose, not advisable. step one should be getting the correct estradiol test, you didn't have it above. The test you need is ultrasensitive Estradiol with the LC/MS/MS method. This test is for males. Any other is for females and just not useful. Your E is likely LESS than 69.7, probably closer to 55 on the sensitive test.
If you do feel based on negative symptoms of high E, you should only take .25mg once per week and give that 4 weeks and then get the correct test before going any further with an AI.
I just finished injecting .75 i'll see about lowering it next week. Im going to an endo on Tuesday and i'll def bring this up. Thanks for your help

Wait, injecting .75? Do you mean 75 milligrams or .75 milliliters?

Also when were your tests done relative to injection?

Sorry for the Mixup Here is what I was advised to cut back to, I was on 200/mg week which is one cc or ml. I was told to reduce to: 0.75 Milliliter IM qweek. , #10, starting 12/20/2016, Ref. x0.

Which would be about 150/mg/weekly of testosterone @.75/ml/cc, does that sound right?

Lowering what...you're already well below the typical start dose of 100mg/wk.
@vince Carter, Sorry, i was confused about the 1mg being too high. I was under the impression you meant my test dose of 1 ML. So the Anastrazole is too much at 1mg/week?
As far as symptoms go, I believe I may have some. When I first started test about 30days in I felt energy and ready to workout, something i hadnt experienced in a long time because i would panic with an elevated heart rate when working out. But that slowly became easier to tolerate. The past 3 weeks i've been waking up tired and I have experienced a drop in morning wood. Ive also been bitchy and been arguing with the Mrs. more than usual, I guess you can say the past few weeks ive certainly felt more emotional.
ya 1mg at one-time is pretty hefty. If you need to take some, try just .25mg one-time per week and get the proper testing. 1mg would tank your E and that is not good. Alwyas titrate down in small doses with an AI, it's over prescribed and overdosed, as shown here; 1mg.
Sorry for the Mixup Here is what I was advised to cut back to, I was on 200/mg week which is one cc or ml. I was told to reduce to: 0.75 Milliliter IM qweek. , #10, starting 12/20/2016, Ref. x0.

Which would be about 150/mg/weekly of testosterone @.75/ml/cc, does that sound right?

OK I'm following now.
@Vince Carter, I appreciate the advice. I'll certainly start with less. I'll post my follow-up bloodwork in about 2 weeks to see where the donation brought me down. Hopefully, my results wont be as high. I'm going to start hitting the iron as well now that I seem to be feeling good.
You need to work on getting your lipids in check! At 200mg/week dosage that is definitely going to affect your hdl/ldl numbers and also your high hematocrit/hemoglobin. Dropping your weekly dosage should improve your numbers!
@madman I agree, my diet isnt the best. I need to cut out the junk I tend to eat at night. Any suggestions on what my meals should look like? I see you are pretty leaned out, something i'd love to achieve. I've been pretty stocky most of my life, the leanest I ever got was 175 but still carried around that belly fat. My brother is the complete opposite, naturally lean and ripped even when eating bad. He's also the daredevil, i assume he's always naturally had higher test levels. LOL, we do have different dads, my dad isn't fat but has never been muscular and he told me growing up, it was very hard for him to gain muscle.
@johndoesmith .75ML, also I just checked, my injection was the day before bloodwork, Injection about 1pm wednesday, bloodwork Thursday morning.
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