Hi Gene - I've been collecting all the pieces of the N.O. stack, got a prescription for CIALIS and am all ready to go. Yesterday, reading this thread, I came across a posting by you citing the dangers of CIALIS and your comment that you would like to get off of CIALIS. I cannot locate your Dangers of CIALIS post. Before I start daily CIALIS, why do you want to get off of it? What are the dangers? Should I not start on low dose daily CIALIS? Thanks.
Newer research shows that Citruline works better than Arganine to raise N.O. and best of all, it has no basically no taste. Next time you mix it, try it without the Arganine and see what you think taste-wise.
The Benefits of Long Term Cialis Use https://www.excelmale.com/forum/showthread.php?5517-Cialis-in-Liquid-or-TrochesYou misunderstood what you read. First of all, it wasn't posted by Gene, but another member who was raising concerns about the visual and auditory issues that can arise in a very small set of men who take Cialis. Cialis is a prescription drug with various effects. Some of those, which we choose to call "side effects", may be negative. The vast majority of those who take this drug do so without an issue. You should be aware of potential issues and discuss them with your doctor, but in my own case, and I believe in Gene's, the benefits of Cialis, which are undeniable, far outweigh potential problems.
Hi I use L-Arginine Plus it contains L-Arginine and Citruline and a host of other vitamins and minerals.
I also use Superman Herbs Pine Pollen powder which is great as well. Look it up guys.
Hi I use L-Arginine Plus it contains L-Arginine and Citruline and a host of other vitamins and minerals.
I also use Superman Herbs Pine Pollen powder which is great as well. Look it up guys.
Anyone: Can you replace the Doxazosin with Lotarsan in the stack? Thanks