Dutch Test

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My new doc reckons I should have the my levels tested by having the Dutch Test carried out as it more accurate here in the UK to track my E2 and monitor the peaks & troffs of my levels throughout the day......
Have any other guys looked at this to see if its worthwhile or am I wasting my money.
I think its a test that has been devised by Dr Mercola who i know can be a little controversial at times.

Cheers guys

Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
My reaction is to have nothing to do with it. I have seen Mercola peddle so much junk, at times dangerously so, that his involvement alone is enough to make me walk, no, run, in the other direction.

But it's your body and call your call.
Thanks guys...I reckon I will give it a whirl and see what results I get back........not cheap at £350.00 uk pounds...but if it gives me an accurate E2 reading that will help my protocol.

Ben Greenfield swears by it and he's a guy I take note of...

Cheers Davet
Thanks guys...I reckon I will give it a whirl and see what results I get back........not cheap at £350.00 uk pounds...but if it gives me an accurate E2 reading that will help my protocol.

Ben Greenfield swears by it and he's a guy I take note of...

Cheers Davet

Let us know how it plays out.
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